Chapter 5

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K, so before you kill me I just want to say that I am applying for med school and preparing for the entry exam eats up quite a lot of my time; the rest goes into graduating high-school, which I believe is relatable enough. So, sincerest apologies, but school does come first, if my young followers should learn something from me is that.

With that being said, enjoy this slightly League of Legends-inspired turn of events. If anyone plays, feel free to ask me, and I'll join you in a comforting match, programmed after the 25th of July ;D (that is if I'm not drunk in a ditch from either getting into med school or failing the exam)


Kuro was breathing shallowly when I entered his hospital room. He had drops of sweat lingering on his pale forehead, his great red mane now dull and lifeless. He had bandages over his torso and left leg, and he was shivering from time to time. There was a medical ninja checking his vitals at regular intervals.

"A vertical slash to the torso..." Ajax muttered. "That's Decimus' signature move" I could hear the knowing smirk he had on his face.

I had forgotten about the obnoxious elf that had constantly breathed down my neck since we left Ta'ric. And right then, I was in no mood for his sly remarks or sadistic optimism.

"If you can't keep your mouth shut, leave" I growled at him. "Let me grieve or get lost"

Ajax scoffed. "He's not dead yet, nor will he die from that wound" he informed me. "That goofy youngling has no strength. Very agile, but he can't deliver a healthy blow to save his life" the elf rambled.

I scoffed in return and decided to ignore Ajax. My brother was in need of my attention now, not that nincompoop of a magic-using elf. It was only then that I realized my arms and legs were also wrapped in bandages. I didn't feel any discomfort, yet there they were, covering presumably gashes of considerable size.

As if reading my mind, Ajax sighed. "Medicinal herbs and healing magic" he told me.

"What?" I whispered incredulously. "Did you...?" my voice trailed off.

Ajax chuckled with his usual obnoxious demeanor. "Patch you up?" he asked. "Yeah, I took care of you while you were out of it. You'll find that we elves have a strange sense of responsibility; if we break something we fix it right away"

I was boiling with rage. "So I'm just an object, right? An object that you broke and needed fixing" I growled at him.

He returned a mocking glare. "By the laws of my kind, you became my property the minute I took you hostage" he said. "Until you are wed to Darius, I own you"

"And what happens after?" I said between gritted teeth.

"You become his property"

I clenched my fists. "Get out" I growled.

He tutted. "Now, now, little human" he patted my head but I slapped his hand away. "I give you orders, not the other way around"

I reached for a metal object that sat beside Kuro's bed and tossed it towards Ajax's head. "Get the fuck out!" I shouted.

With a smirk, the elf retreated from the room. I was trembling with anger and utter hate towards him. I promised myself then that I would make his life hell, through all the means necessary. How dare he enslave me? I was not some cattle, passed around from owner to owner! A soft noise coming from my brother snapped me from my murderous daze.

"Kuro!" I sighed and rushed to his bedside.

He started moving his facial muscles, wetting his lips with his dry tongue. I found a plastic cup filled with water and I brought it to my brother's lips. He opened his deep blue eyes, noticing me holding the cup at him, faintly motioning his thanks as he sipped.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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