Chapter 8

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"It's freezing today." Dan shivered zipping up his coat walking outside, "I'm extremely jealous of you right now."

"Perks of being a vampire." Phil laughed putting his arm around Dan, "Do you want to wear my coat? I don't really need it."

"No its fine lets get coffee or something. Besides people will just think you're crazy walking around without a coat."

Weekends were Dan's favorites, he did see Phil everyday in class anyways but it wasn't the same. After class he would have a pile of assignments he needed to hand in to his other professors. But it was the weekend and start of winter break so now the two could just take it easy and focus on their relationship.

"You get us a table and I'll order." Phil said, Dan nodded and gave him a quick kiss. Phil always knew Dan's order, he knew just about everything, down to what he liked and disliked, what kind of people be liked, when he felt nervous or uncomfortable. Phil brought their drinks over and sat next to Dan.

"Do you have any plans of going away for Christmas?" Dan asked curiously.

"Nope, why? Do you?"

"No no" Dan answered shaking his head "My grandfather is flying over in a couple of days but he'll stay with my Dad. But I was wondering if you would like to spend Christmas with us? Only if you want."

"Are you sure that'll be okay with your family? I don't want to be a bother.."

"You won't be, my Dad already likes you. Please? It's our first Christmas."

Phil though for a minute before looking back up at Dan and smiling, "In that case, I would love to."

Dan smiled, he cupped Phil's face with his hands and pulled him closer for a kiss. They kissed sweetly, Phil's lips were warm from the coffee and moved with Dan's perfectly.

"Daniel?" The two pulled away in shock seeing Dan's mother standing in front of their table. She didn't look angry, she just looked surprised, Phil assumed it was because she didn't know who he was if she did the circumstances would be completely different that this moment.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Dan asked, his cheeks were bright pink.

"Getting coffee here like everyone else and I noticed you sitting here with who I assume must be your boyfriend." She said looking at Phil.

"Um this is Phil.." Dan said quietly, Phil politely held his hand out which she surprisingly shook.

"Wait, I recognize you," Dan stared at her with wide eyes, Phil however looked calm, "Aren't you a professor? I saw you a couple of weeks ago when I needed to speak with Daniel's father."

"Well um yeah, that's actually how we met I'm in one of his classes.." Dan could feel his face heat up, this is what he was trying to avoid from his mother and she knows he didn't want to tell her which only made the situation more difficult. She gave him a look, she looked unsure and somewhat uncomfortable.

"So you're one of those Professors huh?" She asked looking at Phil.

"Absolutely not," Phil said immediately understanding what she was trying to say, "I actually have feelings for Dan he's special."

"I don't really think a relationship like this is very appropriate, and the age difference..."

"I don't care what you think," Dan said cutting her off, he stood up slipping his hand into Phil's "Come on let's go to my place."

Dan never felt so angry towards his mother, first she refused to tell him what she did and even when he saw all the evidence she told him that she doesn't have time for him and then judges his relationship. All this time he went around thinking that his father was the one who was keeping him restricted when he actually really cared, Dan could tell that his father was at first concerned about his relationship with Phil but he gave it a chance just to make his son happy. But his own mother can't do the same, although he never expected her to especially if she found out what Phil actually was. But he loves Phil so what she thinks doesn't matter.

They were sitting on the couch, Phil had his arms wrapped around Dan while they watched tv. There was a knock on the door, Phil looked over at Dan who shrugged because he wasn't expecting anyone. He got up and opened the door to see Nina.

"Hey." She smiled hugging him, "You're not busy are you?"

"Not at all," Dan smiled inviting her inside, "But Phil is here."

She walked in behind Dan and smiled at Phil politely. The two didn't really speak that often though Dan wanted them to so Phil decided he could at least ask how she was and how her pregnancy is going.

"I'm great, its going really well." She smiled, "I was visiting my grandparents and my grandfather started going on about those crazy wolf stories."

"Crazy wolf stories?" Phil asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, Nina's grandparents like telling her all these myths about werewolves." Dan explained laughing.

"Hey the stories are really cool, whats crazy is how everyone acts like its true."

"What do they tell you?" Phil asked, Dan was surprised at how interested Phil was.

"Something about how my ancestors were werewolves and I carry the gene." She shrugged "I know its ridiculous but I have to say they're really good storytellers."

Then it clicked Dan's mind, he remembered how Phil told him that there are many things beyond his belief, he'd be amazed at how much he has yet to find out. So what if Nina's family stories aren't just silly little myths but true stories. But if Nina carries the gene like her grandparents said why doesn't she turn? If she did he would know.

"Earth to Daniel." Nina laughed snapping her fingers in front of Dan's face.

"Do you ever wonder how much of your grandparents stories are myths and how much of it might be true?" He asked without thinking. Phil looked at him surprised and Nina just looked confused.

"Wait are you actually being serious?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"I just realized how dumb that sounded forget I said anything." Dan said blushing, Nina laughed and shook his head. Maybe he should look into this more and talk to Phil before jumping into conclusions. "So um Phil and I bumped into my Mom in Starbucks today."

"Did you really?" Nina asked laughing, "What did she say?"

"She did not like me much." Phil laughed softly, "For her our relationship does not seem appropriate."

"But its not high school and Dan's an adult."

"I thought my Dad would be the one to be judgemental about us but he was so accepting." Dan said, "He supports our relationship but my mom just looked disgusted I don't think she likes the idea of me being gay."

"Dan, I know she's your mother but if she can't support you then that's her mistake." Nina said.

"And we're happy that's all that matters." Phil smiled pecking Dan's lips keeping in mind that Nina was still there. Nina left after a little while needing to meet up with her boyfriend for her doctors appointment. Phil needed to feed so instead of making him go outside to hunt he allowed Phil to feed off him. He had done that once before when Phil told him the truth about what he was, it didn't hurt as much as he thought, it hurt a bit at first but it was oddly pleasurable.

"I know that this is probably a bad time to ask but how much do you know about werewolves?" Dan asked. He bit his lip when he felt Phil's tongue glide against his neck licking the blood off.

"You mean more specifically Nina's family background?" Phil asked looking down at Dan who nodded. "I can look into it I have met a lot of supernatural creatures but I'll see what I can do for you."

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