I can't

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I can't do it

I can't be pretty

I can't have nice teeth

I can't have perfect skin

I can't have flawless hair

I can't have sparkling eyes

I can't be smart

I can't be funny

I can't be outgoing

I can't speak in front of crowds

I can't do it

I can't ask you a simple question

I can't get up and get a tissue

I can't not be judged by you

I can't avoid your crippling looks

I can't stop being self conscious

I can't believe in the future

I can't see the light at the end

I can't see how life will get better

I can't see how someone out there cares

I can't think of something happy

I can't do it

Poetry by KateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant