People Like Me

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People like me don't deserve to be happy
I've come to that conclusion
People like me who don't fit your standards
I've realized that by now
People like me don't get a happy ending in the end
I've seen it
People like me who long to be loved and accepted
I've felt it
People who just want one chance to prove themselves
I've longed for that
People who are perfect in their own ways
I've acknowledged this
People who aren't heard until it's too late
I've spoke this
People like me don't deserve to be made fun of
I've heard this
People like me don't deserve to be pushed aside
I've gone through this
People like me matter
I've known this
People like me will make our own happy endings
I've made this
People like me don't deserve this world
I've realized this
People like me deserve much more than this
We know this

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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