Thank Goodness Your OK!!

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Steven's POV
I was weak, but able to move. "Ow!" I said, as I moved my arm. "Steven! Are you OK?!?" I heard Connie ask. Mr and Mrs Mahashwaren walked up to me. "Steven, give me you arm." I moved it over to her. It hurt with every second. "Here, take this." She said, wrapping something around my arm. "It'll help. Your arm is filled with electricity." She slowly walked away. The gems helped me inside, while everyone except Connie and dad, went home.

Pearl's POV
I helped Steven in bed. At least he's OK. We all had a meeting. "We need to find this Shockwave sender. That person, they're most likely going to attack others too." Garnet said. "The next thing you know, everything will be in ruin!" Amythest said. I just sighed. We started to leave, when Steven shouted.

??? POV
Why? Why try and fight? I'll just beat you like I beat him! Soon, he won't be here, so why even try? I went up to my throne. My minion walked up to me. "You called, Master?" He asked, is an echoing voice. "Yes, I did." I replied. "What would you like me to do, Master?" I thought as he spoke. "Track them down, and tell me where their going." I said. He nodded and walked off. I then grinned. "Soon, Earth will be mine!" I said, evily, sending another, yet smaller shockwave torward Beach City.

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