We Need to Know

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??? POV
"Why?" I yelled, my minion had coverd up her ears. "Why? You let two go after me, and two stay to watch him?!?" I couldn't help myself. I could sense them. They were only a mile or two away. "Just, set up the defences!" I wish know what do do. If they come, Steven will live! But, maybe I can find a way... I smiled as I commanded my minion something more horrific...

Pearl's POV
Amythest and Ruby went after this shockwave sender, while me and Sapphire stayed here to look after Steven. "Guys.." Steven said, weakly. "Steven, lay down. We'll be back up!" I just grabbed water from he fridge for Steven, and brought it up to him. "Thanks, Pearl." He said, getting a drink, then falling asleep once more.

Steven's POV
~~~In Dream~~~
I woke up in the place from before. I tried not to remember the way mom faded, and how the clouds poofed. I walked more, but, I say a building that was never there before. A tower. I walked up to it. As I got closer, electricity was coming off, making electric balls of electricity. I got up to the door, and opened it as I did, I started to glow, cracks grew in my skin, next thing you know, I exploded with burst of electricity shooting out. Then, everything went black.
~~~Dream end~~~
I woke up in horror. I gasped as I quickly shot my body up, then fell down on the bed, laying in pain.

Sapphire's POV
"Steven, you OK?" I asked him. "Yes." He replied. "I just, had a dream." I looked up, peering into the future. "Steven." I said. "Please, tell us your dream. We need to know."

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