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Aphmau stared at her head guard; Garroth as he took of his helmet in his new armor. That's when her eyes flickered into the back of the room. There was Hot table. Sitting and staring as she stared at him as well. They instantly found love. But Laurence was near table and Aphmau believed that Laurence and table were already in MAD love. She spoke a few distracted words to Garroth and sashayed over to Hot table and Laurence in a hope she would spark Hot tables interest. As she neared Laurence hurriedly snarled "Back off! Hot table is mine and we are in mad love!" But then Hot table just said nothing as Aphmau put her hand on the smooth surface of Hot table. Laurence gently slapped her hand off the table and the battle was on.
"HOT TABLE IS MINE!" Aphmau spat at Laurence, but Laurence did not care and instead said " NO SHE LOVES ME MORE!"
Then Aphmau realized that maybe Hot table was a girl and not really meant for her. It got really awkward for a while and still. Hot table said nothing. They brought the fight into the wheat field. Laurence against Aphmau. Of course guards stand by incase of any trouble. Aphmau charged at Laurence but then Laurence said "WAIT."
"I, Laurence cannot hit a girl." And Aphmau was like "then why do I fight you?" And he was like " I don't know." That's when Hot table could not take anymore and violently split itself into a million of tiny splinters. They tried to put poor hot table back together but hot table was hopeless, and Aphmau and Laurence's hands were splintered too. Aphmau and Laurence cried but then realized that there would be more Hot tables and they agreed to see other tables after their battle.
The End

Tablemau | Tabmau |A fanfiction| A love story|Where stories live. Discover now