Shattered | Chapt . 3

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"Ms Andrea how are you feeling ?"

"I'm better I guess .. Still have a slight head ache ".

"Okayy . Can you remember anything ? Like what happened ?"

"Um I was running towards the door and tripped ".

"Oh okay and you were running because ?"

"I was uh going to answer the door ".

"Okay okay , and it was him right ? She said referring to Michael . "Because he's the one that brought you , so Im assuming that's it's him ".

"Yes mam".

"Okay well we've already hooked you up and did everything we need to do but we're going to keep you here for one night just to monitor you because you bumped your head pretty hard and we need that lump to go down ".

"Okay thank you Ms . Peterson ".

"Welcome darlen ".

As soon as the door closed I turned around to catch Michael glaring in my face with an evil state . His jaw clinched and fist bald up in his pockets .

"Um what ". I asked

"Don't what me .. None of this would've happened if you weren't so stubborn ".

"First of al-

"Shutup .. I ain't ask for you to give an opinion or make a statement " he growled

"Excuse me your not my-

"What did I just say " he said as he stared getting up from the couch.

"Um for me to shutup "

"What I though".

"I can't take this " I mumbled

"Excuse me I didn't hear you "

"It wasn't for you to hear " I mumble.

Michael got up and stomped over to my bed . "Girl I'll kill you . Don't try me . You testing my patience " he said as he gripped my throat pressing me down into the bed .


"Shut the f-
He was cut off by the door opening and a nurse walking in scanning over her clipboard .

"Ms.Peterson what was your date of birth again I'm sorry I didn't ge-

She paused once she seen Michael over me like he was and me looking like I just seen a ghost .

"Um , is everything okay "

I went to reply but no words came out

"Ms.peterson .. Are you okay ?"

I just hooded my head .

"Okay what's your date of birth"


"She's struggling to speak . She went hoarse . "

"Oh okay , do you know it "?

"Yes .. Uh , June 28 "

"Okay thank you "

"Yes mam "

"Alright that's all for today , we'll be back in the morning to release you . Do you want anything for your throat "?

I shook my head .

"Alright , sleep tight darlen ".

I glared over at Michael who was staring right at me in a daze . I felt uncomfortable so I scooted under the covers and dozed off ..


I know this may have been a little boring but I had to hurry and ad something so yeah . It'll get better through out .

~AyooChicoo '

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