Shadow Travel

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I tightened my hold on Elice as another powerful gust threatened to throw me off of her. She sped along the eastern coast looking as good as new. It was hard to believe she had a broken leg only yesterday and now she was back on her feet and running in top condition again. These monsters, or whatever they were, were amazing. Having the ability to recover from a broken leg in just a few hours, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself.

I watched the land speed past us. We'd been traveling for hours without rest. I wasn't sure where we were, but I imagined that we must have been somewhere in New England by then. Elice hadn't stopped once since that morning, she must have picked up on Emily's scent again. I thought back to the night before and the sword, Kardiabisma, that was in my hands when I woke up. That sword was the only proof that I was truly a demigod.

"Eager aren't we," Hades had said before we started.

I have to admit, I was avid to start training. Ever since I had discovered these strange powers of mine, I wanted to learn what they were, and how I could use them. I had taught myself a little bit, but I guessed that with a god helping me, it would be much easier to learn. I gave Hades a smile.

Hades smiled again. "Let's see how much you know."

He put me through a series of exercises, which were supposed to test how capable I was with each of my powers. It turned out exactly how I expected. I wasn't able to summon any creatures unless I was put in some kind of danger. I wasn't very good with Heartstopper, even though I was surprised at the very fact that I was able to wield it with even the slightest amount of skill. The only thing I was able to do without trouble was manipulate shadows.

"At least you are competent enough with one of your more useful skills," Hades said, "Shadow manipulation is lost to most demigods."

"What do you mean," I asked, "It seems easy enough."

"Easy enough for you," Hades laughed, "You are special, you actually inherited the ability from me. Most of my children, before that stupid treaty, were unable to use that ability just as easily."

"Then why can I use it?"

"Luck is the best answer I can give you," Hades said, "Darkness used to be a thing to fear, like death. The two always go together perfectly." I saw the fires reignite in his eyes. "But humans are creative, finding ways to shut out the darkness with their artificial lights. My children lost the ability to manipulate shadows in recent years, but you have been given the gift, one of my most powerful skills."

I looked around the room. There was hardly any light to see by, but I was only now noticing it. I hadn't realized before because I could see just fine despite the fact that it was pitch black. The only thing that was obscured was Hades' face. He must have been hiding it from me. I never thought that I was special in any way, not until I found out I was a demigod anyway. I guess I was special even among their ranks too.

"What about my other powers," I asked looking back at Hades, "What else can I do?"

Hades frowned. "Not much right now," he said, "But you have great potential. You have shown that you can control my monsters, the ones that are still loyal anyway, and with practice, you could become almost unstoppable." Hades stopped and looked me over like he was trying to decide how to proceed. "You can talk to snakes; those things are always associated with the underworld in one way or another. It's an interesting ability that might come in useful, but you can practice with it on your own time if you choose to," he continued, "Your sword skills are amateurish at best, but that was to be expected, they can be polished with time, at least you show that you can wield a blade, which is good enough for now."

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