Camp Fantasic

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I only have two words to say. Summer. Camp.

               Those two words just ruined my life about, oh, TEN SECONDS AGO! My parents just told me that they think I need to – and I quote – “Get out of town for a while, have a change of scenery.” I have been nothing but the perfect child ever since the Incident (not that I was bad before it, but that’s irrelevant). I have gotten all straight A’s, haven’t even come relatively close to breaking curfew, and above all I have done every single one of my chores without having to be told.

               My parents don’t know why I’ve changed. No one does except for him and – of course – my best friend Laury (short for Lauren). I tell her everything. If I didn’t have her to confide in I’m pretty sure my head would’ve exploded a LONG time ago.

               But anyways, back to the point. What in the world were my parents thinking? Summer camp! Really? This is totally going to ruin all my plans for the summer holidays with Laury. We were going to run together every morning around the lake to stay in shape. In the summer her house is practically my second home. But wait! Hmmm… this could actually work to our advantage. Time to start the evil scheming! MUAHAHAHA!

               I picked up my iPhone and held down the number 1 to Speed Dial Laury. I told her about the whole situation. Then I asked her the vital question to my whole scheme. “So… are you going to come with me or what?”

               “I thought you would never ask. Give me a minute and I’ll see what my mom says,” Laury said. I heard some shuffling on the other end of the line and heard Laury’s voice very faintly.

               “Mom, would I be able to go to summer camp with El?... But why not?... Please, please, please… PRETTY PLEASE… WITH A CHERRY ON TOP!” I could hear Laury begging her mom. Once again I heard the shuffling noise and a second later I heard Laury’s voice. Well not really her voice, but a sigh.

               “Laury. Laury. What did your mom say?” I asked her with urgency in my voice.


“Laury I swear if you don’t answer me this instant I am going to kick your a-” Before I could complete my threat however, she cut me off with a small screech.


“Wait, I’m confused. If your mom said yes right away then why could I hear you begging with your mom to let you go with me?”

As she spoke I could just imagine the smirk on her face. “Why do you think I want to be an actress when I grow up, huh?”

Damn, she’s good.

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