Chapter 2

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It was a simple question but hard to answer.

"Why don't you want me to leave? Who are you?"

Again, simple question, but hard to answer.

"Answer me, I'm not waiting all day." She gave me an impatient stare.

I was confused for a moment. Didn't she recognize me?

"Don't you recognize me?" I asked her, because honestly, I was seriously confused. I thought I had one of those faces that you could never forget.

"No, I don't." It seemed that she went from sad to angry in two point three seconds. "Now answer me, who are you?"

I sat up so that I was looking down at her.

"You want to know who I am, I'm the person who saved your sorry ass. I'm the person who carried you to a safe place so you didn't get mugged again by any gang members. I'm the person who held you and comforted you while you balled your eyes out. I'm the person who did all that and didn't even get a thank you for the person he saved when he didn't need to." I got up off the bed and walked out of the room. Pissed.

This is so not worth my time. She isn't even grateful that I saved her ass.

I sat on the couch, pondering what I should do now. Well, Trevor, think of it from her point of view. She's being mugged by the head of the scorpions, a gang that takes everything very seriously. She gets away, just to run into a lone person walking the very dark alley ways, at night too. Then having to run for her life down streets she doesn't even know and have the possibility of running into another gang. Then being brought to a place where she doesn't know the streets or anybody walking on them. And to top it all off, being in a house with whom she may think is a potential stalker. Who knew!

Yep, I would be asking questions and I would be very sceptical of who it is that I'm with.

I took a calming breath. I have to be understanding. She's been though a lot tonight.

Just when I'm about to get up to go back into the room to apologize to her, she walks to the doorway of the bedroom. She's looking down and bitting her lip.


I have no idea how to start this. Maybe I should just come right out and say it. Or maybe that would be a bad idea. Well, I have to start somewhere, right?

"Um, I... look, I'm sorry I acted like a bitch to you. I don't know you and I just really want to go home. My dad might be worried about me and-"

"I called your dad," he looked at me. I was extremely confused.

"How could you have called my dad when you don't know his number?" I was deeply confused. He couldn't call him unless he has his number, and he couldn't have his number unless he knows him. But the question still stands, how does he know him?

"He's my boss," he said plainly.

My jaw dropped. The reason is because as soon as he said that, I recognized him.

It was Trevor. The one who I had met when my dad took me to work with him. He had been wearing the most devilish smile then. But not now. Now he looked dead serious and he also didn't look happy that i was just coming to the realization now.

He was giving me a grim expression of what might have possibly been a mix of either disappointment and or anger.

Just then, his cell phone rang. He answered it then stepped into the hall. I still stood there, stunned. Still absorbing the shock of realizing that it was him ad not a murderer or rapist or something. Not sure what to do.

When he came back into the room, he said, "That was your dad. He said that you are to stay here for the time being. One because it's closer to your work, and two, he wants you to be safe; he said he trusts me with you. He knows I won't let anything happen to you. Also, he's not going to be back home until tomorrow night. SO! Any problems?"

"No," I muttered, and then stopped. "Actually, yes. I have no clothes, I have nowhere to sleep and I'm hungry. What do you want me to do about that?"

He thought about my question for a moment. Seeming to have come up with an answer to my question, he said, "You can barrow some of my clothes, you can either sleep on the ouch or in my bed. Depending on where you sleep depends on here I will sleep. And, once we are done with the first two items on your list, we will deal with the food issue, okay?"

With that said he walked to the bedroom, and came back with some sweats and a t-shirt.

I looked at the clothes in his hands. He expected me to wear his clothes? Was he insane? And I am hungry now, not later! Maybe he was going to try and starve me to death. Maybe he had changed since the last time I saw him. Maybe e became a murderer and was hiding from the FBI and that's why he lives in this hell hole he calls home.

"Here, wear these," he said, holding the clothes out to me.

"But they're yours," I spat back.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Do you have any other options?"

"I guess not," I took the clothes.

"You can change in the bathroom," he said plainly.

Fine, I thought. I headed to the bathroom. The sweat pants were slightly baggy and really loose. Same with the shirt I couldn't do anything about the shirt. But the sweat pants had a draw string so pulled in tight and tied it.

I looked at the door and decided that I might as well go talk to him about food. My stomach was rumbling loudly. There was obviously no one else to talk to in this run down place.

As soon as I opened the door, I could smell the food. Bacon, French toast, eggs, even the orange juice that smelled freshly squeezed. My stomach growled louder. Man I am hungry.

I walked over to the table which he had set with nice dishes that looked like they could be china, and cups that she was afraid to rink out of for fear of it breaking while he was drinking. It all looked wonderful!

He came over with the fresh of the oven French toast and put two on my plate, then two on his. He poured the juice, got the syrup out and set it on the table all the while I just stood there staring. Did he set this all up for me?

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"Are you going to sit down or do you prefer to stand and eat?" he asked, a grin spreading across his face. He was such the joker.

"Um, I think I will sit down." I said to him. "Thank you for the food."

"You are very welcome." He said back to me. It had been a very pleasant conversation.

We ate in silence for a while. He had a couple of texts from people; I ate there and ate tree helpings. Food that tasted this good didn't come around very often; especially since her dad was never home to cook any more.

When we were both stuffed, he cleared the dishes and put them into a dish washer. How he could afford such nice things when he was living in this place, I didn't know. He must have been living her a while. There were pictures on the walls and he seemed to know where everything was in his house like he had lived there for a long time and put everything right where he had picked it up from. He seemed like a very neat person, habit wise. There were no dirty clothes on the floor, wrappers lying on counters or tables, no dirty dishes n the counter or in the sink and there was no type o trash on the floor either. Everything looked like it was regularly dusted. Despite the condition of the place, it was nice.

Now, enough about the place and its cleanliness. I need to find a place to sleep. He had given me two options; I could either sleep on the couch or in his bed. He basically said that where I wasn't sleeping, he would sleep.

I thought about it for a moment. I didn't want to deprive him of a good night's sleep in is bed. But I also didn't want to be up all night with back pain from sleeping on the couch. I chose the couch. My dad would be home soon enough and I only had to deal with the pain for one night. He could have his bed, and I would have mine in a couple of days and I still got sleep. Even if it was shitty sleep.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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