Repressed Memories - Chapter 1

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She averted her eyes from the folder resting on the table, littered with police paraphernalia, to the clock, ticking tauntingly, reminding her of her closing window of opportunity. 

Her cerulean blue eyes flickered back to beige folder sitting on the desk, tempting her with the information it held inside. 

This is the information that would severe the puppet strings which potentially anticipated her every move before she'd even thought of it herself. The information that would reveal those who had wronged her, wronged her parents. The information that would set her free. 

She reached for the folder with a quick hand and repelled herself out the window, onto the grey pavement of the alley a single story below. 

Ankles burning, she took off in a run into the safety of the chaotic human traffic rush,  that was the sidewalk. In the chaos of people and the rush they all seemed to be in, she tucked the folder securely into her jacket, zipping it to the top. 

Turning onto a calmer street, she began to make the routine route to her apartment, thoughts of finally knowing the truth and the entire story made her heart flutter with anxiety. 

As she ghosted through the empty hallway to her apartment, she reached into her jacket to ensure the folder was still neatly nestled under the fleecy jacket and was met with the with the smooth cardboard like exterior of the folder. 

Subtly pulling her hand out of her jacket, she fished around in her pocket for her key, unlocking and pushing the door open with nervous anticipation. 

Stepping into her bare-walled, one room home, she couldn't remember taking the steps to get to the kitchen bench.

In that moment she couldn't remember anything, could only feel the cool marble beneath her hands and could only hear her own heart thundering in its cage, seemingly ready to lodge itself in her throat. 

Inhaling what was supposed to be a calming breath, she flicked the folder open and let her eyes scan the file laid out before her. Countless reports, dead-end leads, names and details were spread from the start of the file with nothing triggering any sort of reaction. 

'Maybe I picked up the wrong report...' she thought to herself, brows furrowing in frustration. 'No, I can't have picked up the wrong one.' 

With a new determination, she set her eyes firmly on the page and soaked up every detail, taking in two names.

Kayden and Adella. 

An unexplainable flash of pain stabbed at her heart, weakening her knees. Her eyes scanned upwards as recognition alongside pain flashed in the darkened pools that were her eyes. 

Before her pain-filled eyes were photographs of two people who were most definitely her parents. 

In a flurry of emotions she slammed the folder to a close and slipped it under the microwave, fleeing from her small apartment, tears threatening to make sorrowful tracks down her face. 

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