Repressed Memories - Chapter 2

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As she fled from her home, she tried her hardest to stop and wonder why she had gotten so upset, coming to the conclusion that it was the anxiety of seeing those pictures of her parents, the anxiety of being so very close to finding her parents killers that had triggered some form of reaction.

The nameless girl backed herself against the nearest wall sliding down into a crouch, dropping her head into her hands, she took a breath. Then another and another until the tears had subsided. 

She lifted her head, only to be met with the curious, almost worried grey eyes staring back at her. 

She let out a silent scream of surprise, head rearing back into the wall, with a dull thud. 

The stranger cleared his, throat and took a step away from the girl, taking a moment to take in her appearance.

Blonde hair strewn atop her head, strands spilling down over her panicked blue eyes. All in all, he took in how disheveled she appeared to be. 

Not just how dishevelled she looked, he also took in the familiarity of the face. A face he once knew, or at least similar. The face he remembered was that of a happy little girl with shining champagne hair and eyes blue and bright to match. 

The face of his childhood best friend, whom he'd lost contact with after her parents had been tragically killed. 

"Iona?" He queried.

Her eyes darted up to his, filling to the brim with tears, once again he assumed, before she kicked at his ankle and sprinted away, leaving him clutching his soon-to-be bruised ankle. 

The girl ran back to the safety of her apartment, mind thinking in overdrive. 


The name was swirling around in a pool of recognition in her head. 

He, the man, had called her Iona. 

The familiarity of the name struck fear in her heart. She'd seen that name before. She'd briefly seen the name when she had been scanning carelessly through the same files that were supposed to hold the details of he parents deaths.

She flew through the open front door, straight to where she had stashed the file, pulling it out and scanning through it once again.

This time, however, she was looking for something. She was looking for the name Iona, hoping it was just sheer coincidence.

Until she found it. 

'Kayden and Adella Fletch, murdered 9th of July 2006.'

'Daughter, Iona Fletch, 14 years of age.'

'Iona Fletch Location: Unknown.'

'Killer: Unknown.'

Like an unstable dam wall it all came crashing down, flooding her mind with the memories her own brain had forced her to repress for nine years.

A pained howl tore its way up her throat, the first noise she'd made in nine years

The memory of her own parents lying lifeless beneath her bloodied hands was imprinted on her brain, branded onto her eyelids, not even being able to close her eyes to escape the vision of her taking her own parents lives.


The End. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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