Violet part 15 "Zoo"

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*** Joel's POV***

"What the fuck were you thinking?!?" Matthews voice was as cold as ice and his eyes attempted to intimidate me. Two powerful witches accompanied Matthew, as was expected with such circumstances. Broode stood tall to his left and Sam held his arrogant gaze on Matthew's right. My hands went up in defense and I shrugged at the gang of witches.

"I was thinking about potentially saving my own race. Wouldn't you do the same if the shoe was on the other foot?"  I said calmly and there was a brief pause as I studied their faces.

"Broode we are getting no where with this. It's completely pointless. I don't understand why you are keeping Doc in charge of this assignment?" Sam was speaking to Broode but his eyes remained glued to me. In return I smiled brightly at the three musketeers.

"She's not just an assignment Sam! It's not like she is a dog, who is willing and ready to be trained." Matthew retorted,and shot a disgusted look to Sam.

"Right. She's a woman. It's impossible for her to learn. I knew this princess thing was a joke." Sam's reply offended Matthew deeply, and his cheeks began to burn with fury.  It was apparent that I almost got to witness a witch on witch brawl.

"JOEEEL!"Violet's blood curdling scream burned all of our ears like a vicious flame. Her voice echoed through out the Alliance corridors and almost shattered the candle lit chandeliers. Matthews eyes narrowed and shot me a frightened stare. The other two just stood there dumbfounded. My heart sank as her screams faded into the darkness.

"Shit!" I growled and shoved everything off the council table and it all clattered to the floor. My hands rested on the edges of the table, and my head dropped.

"The amulet." Matthew stated, "She's in trouble Joel." His fear was exchanged with worry. He directed his attention to me now, only because he knew I was his only transportation to her.

I closed my eyes and tightened them together and concentrated on her.  

"Wait." A voice surprised me and commanded in a tone I couldn't ignore. I snapped my eyes open to see Broode had taken a step forward, and I raised my eyebrows in way of answer.

"Take Matthew with you." He generously pushed the Witch forward.

Matthews eyes pleaded me to agree and I rolled my own. "This is no time for childish behavior she needs help, now!" His tone was stern and almost demanding.

***Violets POV***

So this is how Eddie thrived and survived. He whored out unwilling women and collected all of the compensation. The abandoned warehouse I had been delivered to, was bustling inside. Complete with poles, private bed rooms, and a wet bar. Ladies of all shapes and sizes roamed the area in dog collars each with an appropriate name for them. Men with exclusive access to this highly illegal atmosphere, sat in lush lounge chairs waiting for their turn to play. Their eager faces made me want to vomit.

As for me? I was incased in a steal barred cage, on display with nothing but an old corset Eddie had given me months ago. Sick bastard held onto it for this long? What a freak! The air was damp and moldy, with a hint of dry ice smoke, hardly a comforting aroma. An array of colorful lights flickered and lined the high ceiling, one casting a pinkish purple glow on me. Most of us were caged up like zoo animals, literally. A tall blond directly across the room from me was dressed like a giraffe. Complete with little stubby ears, a long tail with a bushy tip, and an appropriate animal printed corset. To my dismay the corset Eddie had saved for me was zebra printed. Being as his nature was that of an, oh so gracious man, he provided me with the essentials, ears and a tail as well. A lion, a bear, a wolf, and a leopard, I counted the female animals around the room. Damn, it was a zoo, this was his demented club's theme. Most of the girls looked scorned, or frightened, but them some of them seemed as though they enjoyed the attention.

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