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~At the blue Pegasus guild

HEY!!!are you ok,do you need anything"Kageyama said,Offering a drink

"Kageyama is one of the blue Pegasus member"

Huh,I'm trying to find my friend"i looked at my cup. As i saw my reflection i started to think what i should have done

I see you lost a friend"He smiled at me with sadness in his eyes

Yeah I understand what you feel"He said quietly while looking at me
But I'm sure your friend will come back,no matter where you are,I know your friend will find you
I had a friend to but I have no idea where I should look
Don't worry about it,I'm sure she'll find you

*You dont know anything,You wont understand how much pain I had*

I don't know anything about your friend but I know she'll never betray you"He looked at me with a smile in his face

I stood up after hearing what he had to say

I don't know why your telling me this. Don't act like you know everything about her,she's just a snake,she won't live any longer

Wait I was only...."he looked at me laughing but deep inside he felt guilt of what wrong he might have done

Damn it,I don't think this guy is gonna help me find cubelios

I need to see her"I started to murmur walking away in the direction of the city

"At Magnolia city"

-POV : Kinana

Kinana:Guys don't you have anything to do


Ren: Maybe

Then Cobra showed up wandering in the streetz

Did I tell you guys never get near her"he ran towards our direction punching them,making them fly away

We Are Together Once More (COBRAxKINANA)Where stories live. Discover now