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I was walking in Magnolia with Racer trying to find a good present for KINANA,and started to ask Racer

Hey RACER can i ask you something"I asked as I rubbed my head

Sure buddy what is it?"RACER answerd

So whats a good gift to give"i asked slowly

A gift,wait don't tell me your gonna give that girl a gift "Racer looked at me and started to laugh

NO WAY"I shouted at him but he kept on laughing and laughing

Eventually i felt pissed and left Racer saying
Never mind,ill find one my self

That bastard RACER,I should've known that he wont be any help at all

As i walked a beautiful ring with snake like design and a purple jewel as an eye caught my attention. I then went inside asking the lady in the counter

How much is this ring!?!

Sir its 100,000 jewels"The lady replied

Huh??is it a bit expensive for a ring

The lady then had an offer for me
How about this,if you buy the ring ill give you 2 tickets for a free meal in the restaurant  down the road and a bouquet of flowers for you?

Without hesitation I accepted the offer

~Back at the base~

Hello COBRA welcome back"Angel happily greeted me back But it changed when Racer opened his mouth

Hey ANGEL,you really do have a rival and i heard COBRA here has a gift for her

Angel looked at me with a devilish look in her eyes
Ooohhhh really,who is she COBRA


Then how do you explain the gifts you just bought"Racer looked at me laughing with delight

JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Are Together Once More (COBRAxKINANA)Where stories live. Discover now