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(Colleen's POV)
OMG. I can't believe Josh right now. We're out to dinner, and he sat next to REBECCA. And NOT me. He only sat across from me. He SO loves Rebecca. And get this! In his vlog, he put her in for a FULL fifteen SECONDS. WHY DOES HE LOVE HER MORE THAN ME?!?!
(Rebecca's POV)
OMG I LOVE JOSH. I mean, Colleen's a good friend of mine, and I WOULD definitely do that to her. I honestly don't care. I know Josh loves me because he talks to me when we COULD be talking to Colleen. #SorryNotSorry
Stay tuned for Josh's POV!
A/N: DISCLAIMER: This story is highly dramatic and sarcastic. I do not actually believe that Josh loves Rebecca or anyone else above Colleen. I believe he loves Colleen, and he and Rebecca and everyone else are just friends. I'm just trying to show how ridiculous it is when people actually think he's "cheating" on Colleen. I'm on their side. (Them meaning Josh, Rebecca, Rachel, and Colleen) I'm not trying to promote the incorrect side of the "debate" in any way. :)

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