Long Awaited Author's Note

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This needed to be addressed a while ago, but I was too busy hurting. I'm sorry.

You know what this is about. Let me start off by saying that this obviously was something that no one could have predicted. We only saw the good, positive parts, and that was what they chose to show us. Yes, maybe it would have made more sense to us if we had known what was happening, but some things have to stay private, and it's not our place to be mad at them for not letting us know. What isn't our business isn't our business.

Ever since they started joking about getting a divorce, I didn't like it. I never liked when people would joke about divorce, and it's because my parents got divorced when I was in fourth grade. Since I experienced being a part of this life changing thing, it obviously hurt when people took it lightly. When I went through my parents's divorce, it certainly did not feel like a joke, or like something little. It had a huge impact on me, and that's when I had to start seeing my school social worker a lot, and to this day I still have to have scheduled appointments with my guidance counselor. It's not just some small thing that you can just brush off your shoulders. It wasn't even my own divorce, and it was huge for me. However, the fact that I was very young most likely had to do with the intensity of it.

This story was written just to joke around like everyone else was. I had told myself before I wrote this that I needed to stop getting so offended and just go along with it, so that's what I decided to do. It seemed like such a fictional thought at the time because their relationship seemed perfect. They were my only representation of true love, so it was pretty hard on me. I wish it was different, and I wish it could still be "just a joke," but we must move on. As long as we stick together and continue to bring each other up, we can get through it.

I remember being asked a long time ago: "Since your parents are divorced, how would you feel if Colleen and Josh got a divorce?" My response was that I'd feel like the world was ending. I guess you could say that was pretty accurate. I felt so pathetic for being so broken over a relationship that wasn't mine, but at least I was able to go on Twitter and see that I wasn't the only one who was feeling this way.

I know this is late, but I feel like it's better that I talk about it now than never. This fandom is strong, and I know we can get through it. We just have to stay positive :)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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