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(Josh's POV)
OMG. I know I'm married to Colleen, but I LOOOVVEE Rebecca. I also LOOOVVEE Rachel. They are my baes. I love when I put them in my vlogs. I love Colleen too, and I DEFINITELY would want to do something like that to her, because she totally deserves it. One day I'll marry ALL three of them at the SAME time.
Stay tuned for Rebecca's POV!
A/N: DISCLAIMER: This story is highly dramatic and sarcastic. I do not actually believe that Josh loves Rebecca or anyone else above Colleen. I believe he loves Colleen, and he and Rebecca and everyone else are just friends.  I'm just trying to show how ridiculous it is when people actually think he's "cheating" on Colleen. I'm on their side. (Them meaning Josh, Rebecca, Rachel, and Colleen) I'm not trying to promote the incorrect side of the "debate" in any way. :)

Y'all Need To ChillOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora