Authour Note

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Hi Readers,

This is a Destiel fan fiction.

I ship Destiel so much and I really love supernatural.

Just a note that I will be adding in a couple extra chapters to fill in some plot holes and make the story longer because I feel it's a bit too short. So be on the lookout for when I publish those chapters. They will probably be in first person pov of Dean or Cas and they'll be written like diary entries or like they're breaking the fourth wall.

This takes place in World War Two and I apologize if my facts are wrong.

This book has some mature themes and some language.

There might be some German in this thing and I apologize if it isn't translated quite right. I don't really speak much German so it might be shotty.  If you speak German and the translation is wrong and you know the right one, I would appreciate if you commented the correct translation.

This is based off of World War Two and will have many mentions of Jews and Nazis so if those terms offend you please do not read.

I won't update fast because I have my first year of high school and I'll have tons of homework.

I apologize for grammar or if my plot is cliché. I hate clichés but it might be because I've never written Destiel fan fiction before.

I appreciate all of you who will read the book, are reading right now or are even considering reading the book. You're reads really inspire me to become a writer as writing is my passion.

Enjoy the book.


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