Broken Wings

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It was 10:00 am on January 24 and Dean's feet were practically frozen to the ground. The tips of his feet were covered in open wounds and coloured by the blackness of frostbite. His feet ached and he suspected that he had gangrene in them as well. Today of all days he had to work in a freezing cold building and he was building bombs for Hitler. He had tried to put dirt in the bombs but the soldiers had caught him an they whaled on him very well. Just to make matters worse it was his thirty-second birthday and he hadn't seen Castiel. The fact that he was a prisoner of war didn't really help either.

He had just placed a large amount of gun powder in the bomb when a soldier came up behind him.

The man spoke rushed polish and Dean had a hard time understanding him but it sounded like "You. Sir wants to see you, come with me now." Dean fearing for his life followed the soldier and shuddered as his frost bitten feet touched the icy snow. The soldier pulled open a large wooden door and pushed Dean inside. Dean stumbled but quickly fixed his position.

There sat Lucifer in all of his smug devilishness, staring at Dean and licking his lips as if Dean were a tasty little morsel. "Have a seat Dean, we have much to discuss." Lucifer smiled as Dean sat down in the chair and eyes him wearily.

"Well Dean, a little birdie told me that it's your birthday. By a little birdie I mean a spy in the American ranks and a spy in your barracks. So how does it feel knowing that you're thirty-three and you've just lost your best friend."

Dean was confused. "What do you mean my best friend? None of my friends fought in the war and I don't have any here?"

Lucifer smiled again. "Castiel. You lost Castiel. He was sent to the showers because he was a filthy little man and now he's dead. There were no survivors and I saw to that. Happy birthday."

Dean rose up out of the chair and went to to the door but the soldier pushed him back down in the chair and made sure that he paid attention to Lucifer.

"Bring the traitor forwards. Well let him explain how I know that Dean's best friend is dead and how Dean is gay." The soldier brought Gabriel into the light with dried blood on his face. "Go on and explain this Gabriel. I'm really going to enjoy this."

Gabriel stared at Dean guiltily as Dean stared at him with hurt and anger in his eyes.

"Dean, I'm so sorry. They threatened to kill Michael and I couldn't let him die. I couldn't kill my brother, I couldn't let them kill my brother so I sold you out. I'm so sorry. I told them everything I knew." Gabriel refused to look at Dean and Dean became angry.

"It's great to know that I can't trust anyone anymore. I understand that you wanted to save your brother but I... just no. I don't want to see you. Goodbye." Dean looked down because he didn't want anyone to see the crystalline tears welling in the corners of his eyes. The soldiers dragged Gabriel away and Dean watched as Lucifer stalked towards him.

"Well Dean, I have my own little present for you so come follow me. You don't have a choice you have to because I can kill everyone so follow me." Dean followed Lucifer through a wooden door and it opened up onto a balcony where the courtyard was in full view. Dean stood by the railing as Lucifer commanded everyone's attention.

"well my little soldiers, it seems that we have a birthday in the camp. It is major Dean's birthday. we also have a man who wears sensible shoes. It is also Major Dean. we also have a man who lost his lover.That man is Major Dean. So what do you say we give this Jew loving gay soldier a hand and a pat on the back." all the soldiers stared at Dean with a mixture of jealous contempt and red hot hatred. they slowly clapped as if to mock the poor man, and Lucifer put a large hand on the square of Dean's back. Dean shuddered as Lucifer whispered.

"I hope you can fly little soldier. Maybe you'll join your lover in Hell."

Lucifer pushed on the small of Dean's back and Dean stumbled forward. He tipped over the iron railing and his heart stopped as he began to free fall through the air. The air whistled through the holes in his uniform as he hurtled through the cool air, plummeting to the frozen ground. As he fell, memories rushed through his head. He only fell for a couple seconds but it felt like an eternity.

"Dean, I can't believe you understand me. I just cant believe it. I I feel complete knowing that you're beside me now and until the war is done and perhaps longer." Castiel began to prattle and Dean could tell that he was nervous.

"Oh shut up Castiel." Dean muttered as he leaned towards Cas. Castiel leaned towards Dean and closed his blue eyes. Their lips almost touched but Dean pulled back quickly and hid his face in shame.

"I just can't do it. I don't feel like I would stay. I feel like I would be betraying you by doing that." Dean really wanted kiss Castiel but he was afraid. He was afraid of what others would say, of what he would say to himself and most afraid of what Castiel would say.

"It's okay Dean. I can wait for you." he said quietly and then he added on "love is patient," quietly enough that dean couldn't hear him.

Dean hit the frozen ground with a thud and he didn't move for a while. When the prisoners dispersed, Dean grabbed on one of their pant legs and asked for help. the soldier fearfully obliged and dragged Dean away to his barrack. he laid Dean down on his cot and just stared at Dean as He muttered fervently.

"You taught me how to fly Castiel. I hope you're enjoying heaven. I'll never get to see you again so I'm going to say this now. I love you."

unbeknownst to Dean, the scruffy bearded man in the corner with the piercing blue eyes was listening and he felt his heart break.

"I flew with you. I love you too, Dean."

On The Wings Of Fate (Destiel WWII AU)Where stories live. Discover now