Chapter Twenty-Two

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Stand With Me - Chapter Twenty-Two.

After they found a place to park where they could actually see the screen Edwin took out a blanket for them to sit on and placed in across the hood. Edwin ended up having to assist Hazel onto the car, because her tight dress was a little to restricting when it came to climbing onto cars. They quickly got situated where they were both comfortable and soon the movie started. 

Halfway through the movie Hazel looked around at the surrounding cars, some people were making out, some were actually watching the movie, and some Hazel didn't even want to know what they were doing. The movie wasn't really that great anyway, it was one of those beach movies with no plot, but had a bit of comedy to it.

 Returning her attention back to the screen she felt a warmth in the palm of her hand. Looking down she saw that Edwin had placed his slightly larger hand into hers. For the second time that night her heart started beating out of control and an uncontrollable smile broke out onto her face. 

Sadly, it only lasted a few more seconds before his hand was ripped away from hers with a strong force. In front of her stood the Cobra's with a pissed off Ace punching Edwin in the face. 

Hoping off the hood she stumbled a bit before Eyeball steadied her. 

"Ace, STOP!" She yelled trying to pull Ace's arm so he couldn't hit Edwin anymore. 

Ace stopped to look at her and as he did Edwin's fist connected with Ace's jaw. Eyeball quickly snatched her out of the way so the two men could finish their fight without worrying if a flying fist or elbow would land on her. A few by-standers saw the commotion and jumped in to pulled them away from each other. Ace of course walked away with a busted knuckle and a few bruises while Edwin was left on the ground with a broken nose and multiple bruises and cuts. 

As soon as Eyeball let go of Hazel she ran to Edwin's side. 

"Edwin, are you okay?" she asks frantically, "Shit, that's a dumb question, of course you're not okay. Do you need medical help?" 

Edwin didn't even get a chance to respond before Ace was dragging her away to the dark, abandoned part of the drive-in. 

"What the hell was that for?" She yelled, "You're such an asshole!" 

Before she knew it she pulled her fist back and punched him in the nose. Pain flooded her hand, but Ace acted as if he didn't feel it.

"I should be asking you what the hell you were doing! Oh yeah, I knew what you were doing, being a two-timing whore." He yelled back, luckily they were so far away that nobody heard them. 

"I'm the two-timing whore? I saw you Ace, I saw you!" 

"Saw me what?"

"I saw you kiss that slut at the garage so don't act like you're the victim here!" 

"She kissed me I-,"

"You couldn't have pushed her away?"

Ace quickly smashed his lips onto hers, ceasing their yelling match. She wanted to hit him, slap him, do something with all the anger she had towards him, but her anger-levels were extinguished by his cold lips. 

She wouldn't ever admit this, but she had missed Ace's taste. He tasted of cigarettes, beer, and mint. It was an intoxicating mixture, a mixture she couldn't get enough of. 

As their kiss got more intimate he pushed her back onto the wall on the abandoned concession stand. Trapping her body between him and the wall. She pulled away for air and looked into his crystal clear iris's. She had missed him with her entire being and he knew it. He wouldn't have admitted it, but he missed her too. 

The rest of their night they spent taking out their anger out on each other through pleasure and lust, the movie long forgotten, along with Edwin. 

*WHAT? Two chapters in a row, wow, aren't I great! Ace and Hazel are now reunited and doing the hanky panky. Sorry, I'm not that great at smut and writing about people frickle frackling makes me all weird, so sorry for lack of smut. Let me tell you what, y'all are going to hate me in the next few chapters!*


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