Chapter Nine

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Stand With Me

Chapter Nine

"Uhm, excuse me." She says trying to maneuver past the stranger.

"Wait a second, don't tell me you're actually going back to that guy. He was practically undressing her with his eyes. Come with me and I'll treat you like woman should be treated."

"I think you have it wrong and I'm not completely sure why you're in our business, but I suggest you butt out." She said walking away, but he grabs her arm in an iron grip.

"I said-,"

"She knows what you said, you pig. Now get your digusting hands off my girl." Ace growled pushing the guy into the wall by his throat.

"Ace, just come on. He's not worth it, let's go." Hazel pleads, she gets his attention and pulls on his arm.

Ace let's go and spits at the gasping man before he let Hazel drag him away. Hazel grabs her jacket from the booth and watches as Ace throws a dollar onto the table to pay for the uneaten food. Ace wraps his arm around her waist and they walk down the street. They would come back for Ace's car later, right now they just wanted to enjoy some fresh air.

"Well, you've met Jimmy Peache, the towns slime ball."

"And here I was thinking you were the slime ball." She jokes trying to lessen the tension, "So what happened, the whore didn't want you?"

"The waitress?"

"Who else Ace?"

"If you're getting jealous over Tammy then you must really be stupid."

"Excuse me?" Hazel asked offended.

"Tammy's the towns bicycle, everyone gets a ride."


"Yeah, oh. I have to admit though, you're pretty cute when you're jealous."

"Shut up."

Ace pretended to be upset, "I'm truly offended."

For the rest of the day Ace and Hazel spent the whole day together. Ace even bought a hot fudge Sunday for them to share, then they eventually went back to get Ace's car. Now they were sat on Ace's back porch steps watching the sun set cast oranges, pinks, and yellows in to the sky as the sun slipped back behind the horizon.

"Before my mom and dad died we would lay out in the back yard and watch the sun set every night. My mom would always tell me to blow the sun a kiss so it would come back the next day and that when it rained it meant someone didn't kiss it the night before and it was sad."

"Did you get along with them?"

"Yeah, they were my best friends."

"How'd they die?"

"Drunk driver hit them, I had been staying with my friend for the night. They never found the driver who hit them though, cops said it was a hit and run."

"I'm sorry, whoever did that is a asshole." Ace said turning to look at her.

When he saw her sad expression he pulled her into his arms. She sat between his legs with her back against his chest. They sat like that until the sky had turned a deep shade of blue and millions of tiny stars danced around in the sky.

"Are you going to stay here tonight or go home?"

"I probably need to go home or they'll send out a search party." She joked and for her Ace let out a chuckle.

"C'mon babe, lets get you home."

Stand With Me {Ace Merrill Fan-Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now