Author's Note

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Hello everyone. First I want to thank everyone who is reading my story. 222 views may not seem like a lot but it means a lot to me especially because it's my first story. I'm sorry if chapter four was somewhat weak but I really couldn't do a lot with that chapter as it is a lot of action and there wasn't exactly a lot of time for Victor to think, what with his being chased by an undead corpse. I mean c'mon, would you really want to reflect on your life choices when you're being chased by a walking corpse who wants to marry you? Yeah. Didn't think so. But anyways, again thanks for reading my story. Your views mean a lot. I also apologize for any confusion with the disclaimer of chapter 4. If the video didn't work for you, because I know that sometimes videos can be complicated or take forever to load, don't worry. You didn't miss anything. It's pretty much the movie version of what happened. If the video didn't work, it's ok. You're still caught up. By the way, and speaking of the movie, we must celebrate a very special birthday today! Today is Tim Burton's birthday! He is the creative genius behind so many great films including Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, and many more! Thank you Tim Burton and happy birthday!

Until next time,
animal_girl 24

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