Tears To Shed

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[A/N: This chapter might have a quick dark moment in regards to Emily's past, for some it might be a trigger warning. Not super graphic, but warnin' ya now anyway.]

"I was stupid to ever think this would work. Urgh! Why didn't I realize it sooner?" Emily grumbled under her breath.

She had spent a good hour wandering the streets of The Land of The Dead, but after running into too many individuals who asked why she was so upset, she decided that avoiding people and their awkward conversations was best.

'In fact since we're, you know, married, you should definitely meet them. We should go and see them right now.' And while I have you wait in the woods, I'm going off to see another woman who I'm not married to, and I'm having an affair with, but not really because you're the other woman even though I'm married to you. And while I'm insulting you, I'll go an extra step and tell you that I was never interested in you in the first place and in no rational state of mind, ever would be because 'we're just too different,' actually no its just because you're dead and you repulse me so please take me back to my living village where I can go back and stay with my Little-Miss-Living-what's-her-name? Violet? Vivian? Something- oh for God's sake it doesn't even matter.

Emily continued to mock and bash Victor within her head, and after all no one could blame her. His decisions, though made under panic and stress, were poorly chosen none the less.

However the more she stewed about it, the sadder she became, turning her vehement thoughts of betrayal into ones of sad realization.

Their marriage couldn't have possibly worked... he was living, and she was dead. He had needs that she didn't such as food, water, and rest, and heaven help him if he got sick. Doctors were extremely hard to come by here... there was always Elder Gutknecht, but Emily had no idea as to what effects any of his hardly ever used healing spells would have on the living.
As she expected, there were simply too many things that would inhibit their happiness. Victor was probably happy about the lack of propriety (the world upstairs looked so incredibly stuffy), that probably wouldn't do much to convince him to stay if his stomach were growling in starvation.

It just wasn't fair.

When she had first seen Victor, petrified on the ground before her, Emily had thought that He in heaven had finally answered her prayers, and sent her someone who would love her, and give her the life she had lost any chance of having on the night of her death, though now she wasn't so sure.

Of course, there would be no way to have a life exactly like the one she would've had if she was alive. She'd never get to fuss over her first gray hair, she'd would never see living flowers again, the ones in her bouquet having dried up so long ago, she'd never pass on her mother's treasured wedding gown to the next bride in her family, she'd never conceive her own child - even magic had it's limits - and she'd never even get to experience her own wedding night properly.

What had transpired on the night of her elopement was definitely not what she'd call a wedding night.

She remembered the flash of a lecherous smile, the feeling of being shoved to the ground, then suffocated by a huge weight on her body, the feeling of one cold hand gripping her hip hard enough to leave bruises, the other stuffing a handkerchief in her mouth to stifle her screams of pain. She felt her skirt being ripped apart and then... well she didn't want to remember the rest but once he had climbed off of her feeling satisfied, she recalled a vague memory of a blow to her head, and a dull stab under her ribs, and Emily had known no more as her vision faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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