Chapter 21

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Christina's POV

"Jeez, what is taking Alex so long!?" Mike angrily said as Lauren kept moaning in pain. Her cries seriously just breaks my heart. They sound so vulnerable, so helpless. I need to be by her side, right now.

"Please, someone help me up. I need to see Lauren!" I said, nearly in tears. Suddenly, Lauren let out the most heart-breaking scream ever. My baby, my baby sister is in serious pain. Where's the freaking doctor!? As Lolo Bean let out several more yells of pain, the door opened. I quickly looked over, hoping to see the doctor, but instead I saw my favorite guy in the whole wide world standing in the doorway. Nick Reali, my amazing and handsome boyfriend. My God, I haven't seen him in so lomg.

"Hey there guys. How you doin'?" Nick sweetly asked. He's so sweet and caring. I love him so much. I was about to answer when Lauren screamed again. This time, her scream sounded even more horrible.

"Nick, have you seen Alex or a doctor on your way up here?" I quickly asked my lovely boyfriend. He didn't say anything and thought about it for a while.

"I guess I've seen Alex talk to that dude Lauren's been dating." he finally answered back. Was he talking about Harry? If he was, how did he know that he's been dating Lauren? He asked her out two hours ago.

"Harry Styles?" Katherine asked Nick in a questioning tone.

"I don't know what is his name." Nick replied back, raising an eyebrow at Kath.

"What does he look like?" Amy questionned big Nick.

"Brown/blond hair, blue eyes, wearing a white T-Shirt with a black cross on it. Now that I think about it, I think his name is Ryan....Baby?" Nick said.

"Ryan Beatty??" we all yelled at the same time, minus of course Lauren, Dani, Christian, Big Nick, little Nick, and Joey. How is that kid still alive? He shot a bullet right through his heart about twenty hours ago!

"This can't be! Ryan's dead!" Lisa said, anger and confusion in her voice.

"How come?" my beautiful boyfriend questionned my younger sister.

"He shot himself yesterday!" we all answered back, practically yelling. Then, all of a sudden, Lauren let out the most horrible and painful scream I have ever heard in my life. Okay, that's it. I have to go see what's going on with her. I Grabbed my crutches that were lying next to my bed and quickly made my way to my little baby sibling's side. As I was sitting down on a chair next to Lauren's bed, Michael turned around and my boyfriend Nick stood behind me.

"Christina, go back in bed! You need rest!" Michael ordered me. I noticed that my older brother looked panicked and extremely nervous.

"I am fine, Mike! Besides, I can't rest if Lauren is in this much pain. It hurts me to hear her cries of pain." I answered back, almost in tears. I then felt a pair of firm arms wrap around me. I turned around and saw Nick giving me a reassuring smile. He bent down a bit and gave me a sweet little kiss on the cheek.

"Christina, I know that it's hard for you to see your little sister like that, but Michael's right. You need to rest and take it easy with your broken leg." Nick quietly whispered in my ear.

"Nick, I need to be by Lauren's side." I replied back, being the sassy and stubborn woman that I am. Nick nodded as he understood my needs and gave me another kiss, this time on the forehead. I smiled as he kissed me, but my grin soon disappeared when Lauren screamed again. My poor little sister's face was all red and tearful. I grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I then kissed her forehead, but that didn't do anything because Lauren let out another agonizing cry of pain. I started to tear up a bit. I've never seen Lauren struggle like that. But, I know that she's a fighter, she'll get over this soon.

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