Truth or Dare (ZM)

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your pov;
every Sunday, you invite your five best friends to your flat for a night in. Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis & Zayn. You guys all met almost 2 years ago. Every since then you've all been inseparable. There was something about Zayn though. Something about him made you fall, ever so hard. You've started to fall in love with him. Even though it was in the worst circumstances, with him being in the biggest band in the world. He wouldn't have time for you, he may not even look at you the same way. so you put all the feelings aside and focused on having a friendship, but sometimes it was so hard.
All 6 of you were laying around on the couch as the movie Louis picked played on the television. None of the boys were really interested in the movie and neither were you. you couldn't help but stare at Zayn who sat directly across from you. The way he looked so effortlessly beautiful just by sitting there, trying to stay entertained by the movie. He had a pair of sweats on and a black t-shirt. All of his tattoos were on full display and they were so incredibly perfect. Zayn was perfect.
"Well, I'm getting really bored! Let's play a game?" Niall said as he got up from his spot of the couch. He grabbed the remote and turned the television off. The boys groaned as they all started to sit up from their previous positions on the couch.
"Let's play a game!" Liam exclaimed while sitting on my left side. The boys all seemed to come closer to me in a circle shape. "Truth or dare!" Harry said while smirking. Zayn seemed a little off today. Very shy. Normally he's very outgoing, especially with me and the boys. He was still sitting across from you while he glances over, looking a little nervous. You catch his glare and give him a reassuring smile.
"Harry! truth or dare?" Niall asked, starting the game off. "Dare", Harry said confidently. "I dare you to make out with (y/n). Right here, right now." Harry looks at you and smirks, as Zayn clenches his jaw and starts to breathe rather heavy. Harry starts to move to where you're sitting and you look at Zayn. He looked like he was about to explode. He balled his hands into fists and tried to contain his anger. Harry grabbed your face, leaning in. "STOP!", Zayns thick accent roaring through your flat. Harry lets go of you, and stares at Zayn, bewildered. All the boys sat there in shock. You looked at Zayn as his eyes met yours, "Can I talk to you for a moment (y/n)?" You nodded slightly and got up, following Zayn into the kitchen. "I can't do this anymore (y/n)" Zayn said while pacing back and forth. You stood there very confused on what he was implying, "do what?" "This! Pretending that watching you almost make out with Harry wasn't killing me. Pretending that I don't have butterflies when you walk into a room. Pretending that I don't look at you when you look away. Pretending that over the last two years I haven't thought about you being mine. Pretending that I don't love you (y/n), I fucking love you." Zayn said while coming closer to you. You were now only inches from each other's faces. "You're so beautiful (y/n) andI just want you to want me too, I want you to love me as much as I love you, not Harry." He said looking down at his feet. You chuckled, surprised he hasn't caught on to how much you love him. "Look at me Zayn", you touched his cheek as he slowly looked up at you. "I've never loved Harry. Since the day I saw you, I wanted you. I fell in love with you so hard. But I never thought in a million years you'd ever return those feelings . So I kept them in the back of my head and focused on the friendship we have. I didn't want to lose you by telling you how I felt but I've always loved you Zayn. It's always been you." He smirked and grabbed both of your hands looking into your eyes. "I'm yours baby, I love you" he said leaning in close to your face , his minty breath tickling you as he spoke.  "I love you too. I'm all yours Zayn. I always have been." He then crashed his lips onto yours. The way his lips meshed with yours was perfect. It was everything you've ever wanted. you both pulled apart and giggled. "We should go back, they're gonna be curious", he looked at you and smiled. "You're right love, let's go, but no kissing Harry, okay?" he winked at you and grabbed your hand walking into the living room again. "So, am I still getting that kiss (y/n)?" Harry said while smirking at you. "Sorry mate, she's mine. she will always be mine." Zayn said grabbing you and pulling you onto his lap. He placed gentle kisses on your neck and smiled knowing that you were finally all his and that's all both of you wanted for a long time.

Hey babes! This is my first imagine and I'm so excited to write more. These types of imagines are my favourite kind. Where the boys confesses their love, I adore these kinds of imagines. I'm always open to requests. So if you'd like a personal imagine, tell me what boy and what situation you'd like and I'll be more than happy to write them. thank you guys so much, love you babes x

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