The Start of Forever (HS)

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personal for Emily!! hope you like it babe (: xx

Today, you were accompanying Harry to Gemma's wedding. Gemma was getting married today to her boyfriend of three years, Lucas. You were her maid of honour and Harry was the best man. You and Harry have been together for 2 years and Gemma has really grown fond of you. She loves you like a sister. You were helping her put her dress on in her dressing room, her wedding was only minutes away.
You always wondered what it would feel like to walk down the isle to meet Harry. You wanted to marry Harry one day. You wanted to be together forever, to look at each other and say "I do". It's something you've always wanted

Emily's pov;
"Do you think I'm making the right choice?" Gemma asked nervously looking at me through the mirror. She snapped you out of your thoughts and you gave her a quick reassuring smile. "Of course Gem. You love Lucas, and Lucas loves you. You guys are perfect. Having cold feet before the wedding is normal. You'll get through it. At the end of the night you'll be husband and wife," you stated as you finished lacing up the back of her dress.
"You know, Harry is really lucky to have you Emily. He's never been so happy until he met you. He really loves you. One day, I'll be repaying the favour, lacing up your dress. You'll be my sister in law one day. Have you ever thought of marrying my brother?" she smiled and nudged my arm. I blushed at her words, "of course I thought about it. I love your brother Gem. He's my world. I'd love to grow old with him." She giggled and said "you'll be an amazing wife. He'll be the most amazing husband too."
"I hope so and I know he will. First things first, let's get you down the isle, okay? You ready?" Her smile was so wide, she looked so much like Harry when she smiled, "of course, let's do this."

The music started and it was time for you to walk down the isle with Gemma. They opened the door, the flower girl and all the bridesmaids walked down and now it was finally your turn as the maid of honour. You walked down the isle with a huge smile on your smile, your eyes immediately catching Harry's gaze. There was something in his eyes that made you get butterflies. He looked at you in total awe. Everyone stood up and Gemma walked down the isle. She looked so pretty. Lucas gave her a huge smile. This is what you wanted. You wanted this with the man you love. You caught Harry giving you several glances during the ceremony.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride Lucas."
They kissed each other and held each other in a tight embrace. We walked down the isle towards the doors of the church.

Harry's pov;
Emily looks so beautiful. There was only one thing going through my mind during the ceremony. Emily. Of course my sister was too, it was her big day but I couldn't stop staring at Emily. I wanted to marry her. I just never really told her that. I wanted to ask her tonight. I bought the ring a couple weeks ago and I kept it on me ever since, waiting for the right moment. I feel like tonight will be the night. I want her to be Mrs Emily Styles. Hopefully she'll say yes tonight.

*after the reception*
You and Harry walk back to his black Range Rover and get in. You were really tired and just couldn't wait to be at home. The wedding was lovely, but you were extremely exhausted. Harry started to drive away, one hand planted on the steering wheel, the other, intertwined with yours. He always grabbed your hand when he was driving, it's become a habit now. You couldn't help but feel so lucky in that moment. You have the most beautiful man as a boyfriend. He loved you, took care of you and supported you when you were down. He was always there. His kisses, his hugs, his words, he was so perfect. Those beautiful green eyes, his long curls that you've grown so fond of, his dimples. The way he wakes you up with kisses and holds you when you have a bad dream. He's not like anyone you've ever met before. He's so perfect.
"Babe?" Harry questioned, I was still looking at him. "like what you see?" He smirked and let out little chuckle. He was so cheeky, but you loved that about him. Always knew how to lighten the mood.

Emily's pov;
We walked into our shared flat, and Harry called after you, "babe don't go upstairs yet okay?"
What was he doing? He ran up the stairs and a little over a minute later he called me up. This was so strange yet so nerve wrecking. I'm not good with surprises.
Opening the door to our bedroom, my heart stopped completely. There were rose pedals spread out everywhere along the floor. They spelt out "Emily, I love you. Marry me?" Happy tears streamed down my face as I finally took in the words the pedals spelt out.

Harry's pov;
She stood there in shock staring at the rose pedals. I got down on one knee ready for her to turn around.
This is it Harry. Don't screw this up.
She turned around and covered her mouth with her hands. I held the ring in one hand and the other was on my knee, supporting myself up.
"Wow I don't know where to start. You've been my girlfriend for two years now. You've been so incredible, always caring and loving. My favourite time of the day is when I get to come home to you. Your beautiful smile brightens up my world. You brighten up my life. When I met you, I know it was you. You were the one I wanted to be with, forever. The thought of not having you forever is not even an option for me. I'd die. You've become my whole life. My everything. You're my soulmate. My beautiful angel. So, I wanted to ask you a little question. Emily, will you make the happiest man on this earth and marry me?" I gave her a huge smile, my dimples probably sticking out. She uncovered her mouth and said "of course Harry, I'd love to be your wife." At the moment it was like my whole world came together. I stood up and pulled her into a hug. This woman was going to be my wife. She pulled away and gave me a couple of kisses. I took her left hand and slipped the ring onto her ring finger.
"So, Mrs Styles, hey?"
"It has a nice ring to it doesn't it?"

That was the beginning of my life with Emily. We got married close to a year later in London. She had Gemma as her maid of honour and Jesy, Leigh-Anne, Perrie and Jade as bridesmaids. All of the boys were my groomsmen but Louis was my best man. That day was so magical. It was beyond anything I've ever dreamed of. I never thought I'd get married until I met her. As she walked down the isle in her beautiful white dress, I could only see her. Everything around me just disappeared. Like we were the only ones there.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, Harry you may kiss your bride" the minister finally declared as I kissed Emily with all I had.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Styles."

Hope you liked it love!! Probably one of my favourites so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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