Birthday Dinner

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Later that evening, we went out to eat for Emma's birthday and of corse she got to pick where we went.

"Lets go to.......... Olive Garden!!" Emma suggested.

"Im down." we all said.

When we got to our table to fit me, Emma, Cora, Trevor, Kadynce, Ricky, Jc, Kian, Sam, and Connor, the waitress asked us what we would like to drink. And i could tell she was flirting with Jc. She was practically shoving her boobs in his face. "I will have a Dr. pepper." i said.

"Same with me" Cora added.

"I will have a Pepsi" Sam told her.

"Sprite" Kian said.

"Coke" Emma added.

"3 more Cokes and 2 more Sprites" Connor said.

She looked at Jc again abd winked at him and i almost got up and ripped out her fucking hair. But, i couldn't. This is girl world. So i planted a kiss on lips showing her he was my boyfriend. She glaired at me and walked away. When she got back with our drinks, she set his drink down showing a little to much skin. "Babe, will you get me a straw?" i asked him.

"Yeah no problem." he said.

Well that was a stupid mistake on my part. Bo she could follow him to go get a straw and they would be alone together. Shit. So i got up and walked to the bathroom and passes by them and over herd what they were saying.

"Your hot. Here is my number." she said handing him a little folded note.

"Oh no thanks, i have a girlfriend." he said making her walk away and say,

"Wow why do all of the hot guys have to be taken?"

When we were done eating, we went back to the house and played a stripping verson of never have i ever. Cora went first.

"Never have i ever, jackked off." Cora said laughing bringing back memories of when we cought Jc this morning. All of the guys eneded up taking off a piece of clothing.

"My turn! Never have i ever, cought someone jackking off." Jc said knowing i would have to take off a piece of clothing. So me, Emma, Kian, and Cora stood up and took off a piece of clothing. Unfortunate for me i was wearing (outfit at the top).

We played for about another 20 mins and all of the gius were in there boxers, Kadynce was still wearing her shorts and bra, Cora only had underwear on, Me and Emma only had bra and underwear on.

"Never have i ever, had a bj." Emma said.

Kian, Jc, Sam, Connor, and Ricky took off there boxers.

"Never have i ever, had a dream of having sex with Justin Bieber." Cora laughed knowing i would have to take off my bra. So i stood up and i did. Kadynce did to she was in a bra and underwear now.

"This is getting boring lets do somthing else." Trevor said still standing there in his boxers.

"Skinnydip anyone?" I said and they all screamed yes. We went into the back stripped the rest of our clothes off and all jumped in. We swam for a while then i put my clothes back on and so did everone else and i went upstairs and fell asleep next to the person i love.

Short and sweet. Luvvv yahhh.

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