chapter 8

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"I'm scread to fall again
to fall in your lie,your smile,they way you made me feel

I'm scared of all
I'm scared of loosing you to the monster and the dark shadow

I'm scared of falling asleep but what scared me the most is
that I'm falling in love with you."

Allison P.O.V

i don't. remember much of what happened but once i woke up i was in a room . the color was white and a baby blue.

this is not my, where am i?

then i could smell like bleach and then i knew it was a hospital. I am scared d of hospital if no one is with me

and the only name that i could think of was

Lilia?! Lila!!!" i said searching the room then soon i could hear the door opened and close

Lilia ran to my side and rub my back and i let out a sob i held her tightly i did not what to let her go, she whispered sweet nothing into my ear and i began to calm down

sorry i did it again" i said with a little sob at the end

its not your fault" she said rubbing my back
you did something good" she said as she look to my face

and what that?" i ask i crook my head to the side

you got me out of the boring class room" she said with a smile

thx" i smile back

we have guess" Lilia said as she bit her lip ..she always do that when she nervous

is it Mrs. little?" i ask

who...well no mom did not pick up the phone dad will come at 12 and i don't know about him but jack is here"she explain

okay you can let him in ill calm now" i said as i let out a sign, Lilia got up and walk to the door and opened the door and i though see glared at him

Allison" jack said he look relive

hi jack.." i said

care to explain what the hell just happened?!" he stared to yell/ whisper, i could see Lilia when pail and glared at him

uh Lilia can you live us alone for a bit i can tell you did not eat yet ill be fine" i said to her

okay" that was the last thing she said before left.

Alison tell me." jack said with a different tone

just give me a minute..
were should i stared?"i ask him

from the beginning "he said as he cross his arm

okay since-"i was gonna start but someone cut me off

Al!!"the door opened and the next thing i know someone his hugging me i know this voice

Eli?!"i ask in shock

are you okay?
your not hurt? do you remember who i am?! "Eli start to panic

yes I'm fine ,no nothing hurt and yes i remember you Eli" i say

Ajm!"that was jack

uh who are you?"Eli have his back stair and look/glared at jack

im jack" he said

...Eli.... Al do you what me to sleep with you?"then he turn to me and ask me that I'm fine..." i said

its okay, you should get some sleep k?" Eli said as he gently push me down so i could lay down

yeah i think your right"i said my eye are getting heavy

sweet dream love"Eli said as he kiss my cheek

3 P.O.V"

once Allison close her eye and lay down,Eli look at jack and took him to go outside.

sooo what do you wanna know about Al?" Eli said to jack

all of it"jack said still with his doe face

well jack you better take a sit it gonna be a long story"
Eli said as he pointed the chair so he could sit but jack shook his head and just stay were hi was.

oh well." Eli said and look to the door were Allison was sleeping in

well it all stared when she was 4 year old her birthday is around the corner it in Christmas ev actually.." he said as he remember her birth day and shook the thought away

anyway she ask her parent if they could see the big Christmas tree and they said yes then they when to the car and well to make thing a bit more short her parent died in the accident..." Eli said
jack could felt a little stab in his heart but did not show it

she saw how her mom and dad die in fount of her eye and she could not to anything,she was soo young as well she could not do anything. so she had to go to the orphan, she did not wanted to talk to know no one , did not eat or show any emotion, she was broken and fragile..." Eli got up and stared to walk around as his finger ran through his hair

then a couple came to adopted her, and so they did... the only thing that the other did not know that they hit her and she lost all trust in everyone, she close her heart so she could never be hurt.
then i come in the picture.." he said looking at jack , and jack tense up a bit

i was eating a apple, under a tree and then i heard her voice..have you ever hear it?you could just fall in love the sec she opened her mouth" he and then he got back to the story

that lovely fragile angelic ,voice then i saw her her little body and she was trying not to cry she still had those mark on her body, i jump down and hug her
at first she was crying and kicking me, but then i told her something and she look at me and then clam down, soon i stared to talk to her we had so much thing in coming. one day i was felling down she came and sang to me and told be she would never leave me.." Eli said as he look through the window were you could see Allison, jack snap his finger so Eli could continue the story, Eli sign and look at jack then he continue

but one day a girl came along with her mom and they were looking for a childe to adopt
as soon as Allison hear this she get all scared  and stared to go back to her old self again, she was very rude so the adult could not adopt her and leave me..." Eli said
and jack was getting more tense

but some how that girl crack Allison shell as well and well... adopt her , at first she did not wanted to leave but then i told her it was okay but we will have go get together. every Christmas we spend it together"he finish the story looking at jack and smiling

and who did u know so much about her?"jack ask Eli

coz .I'm her.."Eli was gonna respond but someone cut him off

Eli" the two male turn there head to see it was Lilia

coming sorry jack but there something we cant shear"Eli said as he pass jack and pat his arm then left with Lilia

jack was left dumbstruck he did not know how much Allison suffered and now that he know the reason he will try to make it up for her... the only question is how?

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