AoS: You Make Up

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Hunter -

"He's a mess you know." You shrug and look up at Bobbi. "That's not my problem." She rolls her eyes. "I may not like you but you guys are good together. Go talk to him." You shake your head as you continue to check the space rocks. "Call him y/n." Bobbi places the phone down on your desk and leaves.

"Hey. Uh... I know you probably don't want to here from me but I'm sorry." You hear the beep signaling that the recording thing is over. You wait a minute, looking down at the phone. You shut your eyes and sigh, getting up to leave the lab. The phone starts to vibrate. You practically lunge at it and answer the call. "Hello?" You stare blankly at the wall, heart hammering against your chest. "Y/n?" Comes Hunter's voice. "Hey Hunter." You hear him sigh from the other side of the phone. "I'm sorry love. You would have been an extreme help if you were here." You laugh lightly. "I told you I would be. I could come soon if you-" "No. I'm in Hydra now." Your eyes fill with happy and sad tears. "Be careful." You whisper. "Always love." You smile. "So we're good?" "Yeah. We're good."

Grant -

You shoulder your bag and start walking down the street. "Hello ma'am. Do you happen to know where the nearest Starbucks is?" You nod and begin telling the man where it is. Something hard comes in contact with your head and you pass out.

"What the *beep* did you do to her?" You hear a familiar voice demand. "Grant." You whisper, eyes still closed. "Hey y/n." You hear him start to walk forward. "Stay there Grant. Don't get closer." Your eyes flutter open and you see the hurt flash in his eyes. "Why not?" "Why not?! You had a freaking gun pointed at my back the entire time!" You seethe. His eyes widen. "How did you-" "Know? Grant. I was in World War II. The winter Soldier is my brother. Hydra trained me. I think I would know when a gun is pointed at me!" He looks down. "I was having a rough day-" "Oh screw you Grant. Everybody has rough days. That doesn't mean they aim guns at their girlfriends!" He shrugs. "I'm sorry." You make a face. "Whatever." He steps closer and in one swift motion his lips are pressed against yours. "You're mine." He whispers.

Phil -


Lincoln -

I'm so sorry you guys. I can't think of anything for this. Just know Skye gets him back and all the fluffiness.

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