Phil: These words are all I have so I'll write them

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Phils pov

"Just a quick reminder before we wrap this up, prom tickets are on sale Friday!" My head of year spoke happily from the front as the Wednesday assembly finished. We were lead out in single file lines as I tried to wrap my head around prom. Would I go? Who would I even go with? I sighed and shoved my hand into my trouser pockets, my fingers grazing my phone case.
"Phil" Dan was jogging up behind me, he was clearly out of breath when he reached me and he'd only been jogging for about 10 seconds (and it was barely a jog at that, more like speed walking)
"Have you ever heard of PE Dan?" I chuckled at him as he tried to keep up and not pass out as the same time.
"Heard of it, don't particularly think it's my kind of thing" he breathed out
"Well you should try it"
"Excuse you good sir! I am very fit actually" he spoke huskily and added a little wink at the end. I chuckled again.
"Of course Danny boy" he seemed to wrinkle his nose when I called him that but then shrugged it off quickly.
"I sense sarcasm" he raised an eyebrow up and I pretended to be confused
"Whatever do you mean?" The tension was heating up as me and dan glared at each other before it was ruined by the both of us bursting into laughter.

"So prom?" Dan asked and I was dazed at first, was he asking me to prom? The realisation that he was asking if I was going slapped me hard for some reason.
"I dunno" I told him and looked away. I didn't want to go to some stupid little dance full of couples making out and teachers getting too drunk.
"Come on it'd be fun!" Dan enthused, but then furrowed his brows together as he saw the look on my face.
"Me and Olly were meant to be going prom. I'd look like a loser if I went on my own" I mumbled and walked into my classroom before Dan could say anything.

Throughout the lesson all I could think about was Dan. Going to prom with Dan, both of us in suits, him holding me close as we slow danced.
I closed my eyes and could almost feel him on me.
"Phil!" The teacher snapped and my eyes flung out, nearly everyone in the class was staring at me. I felt a blush creep up my face and I tried to hide my face with my hair "you should try sleeping at night rather than in my class!" She snapped
"Sorry miss" I mumbled as she began teaching again.
Come on Phil focus on geography I told myself, trying to smash the image of me and Dan at prom, he would never like me like that anyway. No one ever would. I mean I would like to go to prom with Dan but I didn't want him to be a rebound...
I sighed and tried to focus on the boring lesson about clouds. As I did all I could think about was Dan dancing with Dan at prom and his lips on mine. I shook my head, he was just a friend. He wouldn't even want to date someone as broken as me.

Dans POV
I needed to get Phil to come to the prom somehow, he couldn't miss out on it just because of some ex. Me and PJ were meant to be going now that I think about it... she'll probably be going with Chris. I shook my head and tried to focus on my history lesson about some king. I wasn't paying much attention.
Maybe now that me and Phil were single something might happen? Not that Phil would want me but it was a nice thought. I liked Phil, more than a friend? Maybe... yes... ugh, he makes me so confused.
All throughout history I was sketching and writing out ideas how to get Phil to come to prom with me.
Insane ideas like parachuting down to him with a bouquet of flowers or romantic ideas involving rose petals at his front door leading up to me hold up a sign saying "prom?", sweet ideas where I sing to him... but I knew I would chicken out of all of them. He'd probably freak out if I did them, and not in a good way. I would ask him though...I had to... I'm going to give myself until Friday to do it. 2 days.

AN: oohhh prom! Who's excited? (Well not really prom just phanfic prom which will be 10000% better - or worse ;) )

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