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Nori blinked, looking rather puzzled. "Hanna... well er." His eyes darted down as he was caught up in thinking about a good lie, although he really didn't wanted to. "Ugh... She's in the vampire city, being their progenitor and all." Nori scratched the back of his head as Kobori and Hinata stared at him. "Really...?" Hinata, the youngest bluenette asked as Nori nodded. "Trust him more you two, he's your brother." Yuu said from behind, wrapping his arm around his neck as Nori struggled with his grasp. Shinoa, Kimizuki and Yoichi walked up to them, Kobori and Hinata stared at them curiously. "May we know your names?" Shinoa asked as Kobori and Hinata introduced themselves as the three did the same, introducing Yuichiro too. "Let go you lil--" Nori broke free from Yuu as both of them soon laughed, that's until Guren came in that is. "Oh Kobori, Hinata you've found Hanna's room?" Guren asked as they both nodded. "Nori, I need to talk with you..." Guren asked as Nori blinked. "Hm, sure thing..."

So, Guren and Nori left, leaving the two kids with the Moon demon company's team. "Did you escape from the Vampire city by chance?" Kimizuki asked as the two shook their heads. "No not really, We were saved by Hanna-nee and Nori-nii." Kobori answered them as Hinata crawl onto the bed, resting his head on the pillow. "Then we were left at one of the headquarters before we reached Shinjiku to train under Guren." Kobori continued as Kimizuki nodded. "So he goes after kids to, just to train them." Kimizuki thought as Shinoa continued their conversation. While Yoichi sat on the bed as well, letting Hinata use his lap as a pillow.

While in the mean time, Guren and Nori talked and talked. Mostly about Kobori and Hinata at the beginning of their conversation. "You're making Kobori and Hinata students in a academy? The same one Hanna went to?" Nori asked crossing his arms in front of him as Guren nodded. "Yeah. We need more recruits. And since we have your 'siblings' we were wondering if we could train them." Guren continued as he was paused by Nori. "But. I don't see the safety in this... though their not my flesh and blood. They were once taken cared by me." Nori changed his position to a stand. "I must make sure they all return back safely, as long as I stand before I return to my blade." Nori demanded as Guren agreed. They were still young as well. "Alright now that's out of the way..." he scratched the back of his head. "Now we have to deal with you." Guren said rather sternly as Nori blinked. "Me? What about me? Need more info or something?" Nori asked as Guren explained. "You see, you've been more outside from your confinement. And it might have switch the system up a notch. Your chains aren't physically here on your body to hold you down. So instead they bounded your blade. Not allowing to release it's full power. I've noticed it from battle today." Guren sounded annoyed as if he was putting the picture together while Nori placed his finger on his lips asking him to quiet down. But he didn't knew that the door was left ajar. Allowing the people inside to hear their conversation. "What about Nori-nii's blade Shinoa-san?" Hinata asked rather silently and lazily as Shinoa shrugged, not knowing herself as they continued to listen. "uh-huh... what about it? Is something bothering you with it?" Guren sighed, already knowing that the five of them are listening and watching but decided to not say it. "I'm saying you need to return as quickly as possible before you break." Nori blinked once more. Break...?  what does that mean? "Break you say. Where are you directing this...?" Nori grumbled as Guren scratched his head more. "You're breaking and I need to repair it before Hanna kills me." Guren replied as Nori took his time to think through. "Break, confinement... bounded..." Nori mumbled as he recalled something from the past.

"Let me go!!" Nori called out being confined on a operation table, the cold metal sending goose bumps on his skin. "Now now Nori-kun." Ferid called out, tracing the skin on his chest as Nori trembled, a soft dye of pink tinting his cheeks from the touch. "My, aren't you a sensitive little lamb?" Ferid chuckled softly as he walked off, standing somewhere safe, as the researchers came in, including Krul and a sliver haired girl, her purple eyes stabbing Nori's turquoise ones as he trembled. "Y-Yana...?" Nori thought to himself before Yana came down by the stairs and beside him. "Yana what are you doing here?!" Nori struggled with the straps. "Hurry and run!" He called out as Ferid laughed, Yana turned herself around as Nori noticed the change in her eyes, snake and looking sharp... she isn't the Yana he knew. It was silent for a moment till Yana smiled and laughed shortly after, scaring Nori. "Clueless as ever Nori." Yana said as her laugh died down, but not her smile. "I'll see you sooner or later, once their down with you that is." She widen her smile as something jabbed his leg, it only took a moment for him before his eyes were heavy and they closed. It felt like a second, every feeling went numb, and when he came too he was in a cylinder, filled with a weird yellowish water, he was breathing somehow, but he felt incredibly weak, he looked around with his heavy eyes, seems like the vampire researchers are busy maintaining something as a glowing yellow tube caught his attention. "Ah, look at this beautiful shade of bright yellow, so this is Nori's life-force?" Ferid said in an amused tone, Nori coughed as bubbles floated, giving attention to everyone. "Ah so the lamb has awoken?" Feird called once more. Staring into the cylinder. "What... are you filthy vampires doing to me....?! Ack!-" Nori gagged. More bubbles floating up from his mouth as his insides churn. "My my, do relax Nori. You'll won't feel the pain any longer." Krul, Queen of Japan smirked as she looked to the blade. It's filling up and almost done. But it seems as Nori still had much more energy to contain. "Oh, seems you can learn a thing or two with your remaining energy. But the completion is complete." Krul smiled and looked to Nori who's body had already gone limp. Yana. Watched from behind as her insides churn as well, making her sick. "I'm sorry... Nori..." Yana mumbled as her head hanged.

"Is it something about stored energy, Guren?" Nori asked as he nodded. "Yeah. There's a chemical in balance in that system." Guren continued as Nori sighed. "You can handle that another day, but it can't be today." Nori spoke, having a rather serious tone. "Neither tomorrow. Hanna is still out there and I'm her blade. I can't allow her to stay there, where she won't be herself." Guren listened, recalling that tomorrow Nori and Hanna are going to have a battle, one decided on today's victory. "Until that same hand  controls me, I won't return." Nori finished off his sentence, looking to Guren. "Fine, I'll see to your request kid." Guren sighed. "Then the following day of tomorrow, I'll restore you. Your mission tomorrow is to bring Hanna back." 

Nori nodded his head as he watched Guren leave. "Again, against Hanna..." Nori clutched his fist together as Yuu opened the door, making it creak softly. "Yo, Nori, wanna come in now. I think your siblings have a lot of questions for you." Yuu scratched the back of his head as Nori sighed again. "They do, don't they?" Nori mumbled and walked in, seeing Kobori and Hinata on the bed as their heads hanged. Shinoa, Kimizuki and Yoichi stared at him, signaling him to them. "yo, Kobori, Hinata, what's the matter?" Nori walked to the two as Kobori looked to their older brother. "Nori-nii... is it true that you're... a cursed gear?" Kobori asked as Nori looked at them before his head hanged. "So it's true? then our meeting in the city! all your words?!" Kobori acted up as Hinata restrained her while his tears flowed. "K-Kobori-nee!" Hinata exclaimed as Nori grabbed them both and pulled them into a strong embrace, his own tears flowed down his burning cheeks as Hinata and Kobori gripped onto his shirt tightly, sobbing along with him as the others decided to leave the three alone. 

"When did that happen Nori-nii...?" Kobori asked while the three of them lay on the bed, the lights were off and the kids used Nori's chest as their pillow. "When I was 13." Nori replied as Hinata was asleep, It was 12 AM afterall, "Let's not talk about this alright Kobori? I don't want you getting nightmares tonight so lets just sleep, It's past your bedtime." Nori pulled the sheets up and turned to his left where the kids slept, now using his arms Kobori and Hinata rested their heads on it while Nori's right arms rested on his waist. "Try getting some sleep alright?" Nori tolk Kobori as she nodded her head, slowly closing her eyes the silence brought her to sleep as Nori watched the two for a moment before he fell asleep aswell. 

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