Chapter 3

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Lacey's POV*

Holy shit. What? I don't think I heard that right. I must be imagining it. I was convinced that it was just an imagination...

until I heard it again.

I looked alarmingly into Tyler's eyes. His hold on me tightened and he brought us to the nearest room we could find. The broom closet.

Tyler placed me on the ground and locked the door. Outside, I could hear doors locking as well, probably teachers locking classrooms.

It was completely dark in here, except from the light streaming through the window. Until Tyler closed it as well.

My heart beat quickened. It was so loud I think I could hear it.

I made a small whimper escape my mouth and Tyler closed the distance between us, covering my mouth with his hand.

He placed a finger to his lips and I nodded. He removed his hand and put a hair strand behind my ear.

That's when the tears streamed silently down my face. Was this really happening?!

I looked up at Tyler and saw that his eyes were watering as well but I know he was holding it back. He was being strong. For me.

I immediately hugged him as tightly as I could and he hugged me back in an instant, gently stroking my hair.

We didn't speak. We couldn't. God, I was so scared. I don't know what to do. My breathing hitched because of my crying. Tyler's hold on me tightened even more. If that was even possible.

He shushed me as quietly as he could and it helped me a little. Just a little. I was still crying.

I started to think about my life. Have I done enough good? Could I have been kinder? Nicer? More thoughtful? I don't know. And then I thought about my mark...

The mark I was supposed to leave this school. The mark that I wanted to leave to make this school forever a happy place.

That's when I let out a soft gasp of air because I was holding my breathe to not make a sound.

Tyler started to rub my back soothingly.


Oh, my God.


My best friend in the whole wide world. I am so happy that I am with him right now. I closed my eyes shut and thought of my family. Mom. My adult look alike. She is the sweetest person I know. Dad. I love my dad so much. He is so funny. He knows me. Jake.

Holy shit! Jake! He goes to school here. He's a sophomore. Jake! My baby brother! Oh, my God. If something happened to him, I would never forgive myself.

I quickly pulled away from Tyler and he gave me a confused look.

"I have to find Jake!" I whisper screamed and lunged for the door knob.

Tyler pulled my hand and answered, his voice breaking, "You can't go out there!"

"I have to! He's my baby brother! I can't stay here not knowing if he's safe!" I talked quickly, going for the door knob again.

Tyler pulled me and covered my mouth again while I struggled to escape his grasp. I jumped and pulled and pushed, but he was too strong. I started to sob harder.

My brother.

My baby brother.


I collapsed on the ground and pulled my knees to my chest and rocked myself back and forth.

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