Tender's Twist of Treason

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Meri knows they're leaving when Azrael quietly gets up from his spot next to her. He hasn't left her alone for longer than a few moments, and when he did that, he refused to leave her without Ty or Demetriot nearby. She doesn't trust either of them particularly, but she'd rather them than Achmetha or one of the other guys here. The cold looks in their eyes tell her what they'd do to her if they could.

She watches Azrael go, dread making her heart sink. It always does when he leaves. She's accepted her own feelings toward him, but she hasn't found the courage to admit it to him yet. So she waits, wondering if he'll reciprocate or approach her first.

For the moment, she focuses on watching him. He meets Achmetha near the dying fire, and the two of them discuss something in low, hushed tones. The gleam of a gun and a knife catch the fire. Sick dread washes over her and sweeps her feet out from under her. Is he? Are they... Dizziness swoops over her, and she can't keep her hands still at her sides. They tremble and play with the sleeping bag's top.

The two boys haul a limp body out to the entrance of the Cornucopia and disappear into the trees.

She wonders if she should follow. Meri sits in the semi-darkness, wondering about it for nearly five minutes after they've gone.

The decision is made for her when she sees Aslane and Wiley sit up. The two grab backpacks and roll up their sleeping bags. Then they creep out of the Cornucopia, heading in a similar direction to the boys. Meri feels better knowing that she'll have the two of them with her if something goes awry, so she follows their lead and grabs a pack, rolls up her sleeping bag, and shoves it into her backpack. Silently, she sneaks out of the sheltering building where the others are sleeping.

Snow and ice crunch quietly underfoot as she heads toward the copse of towering pines. Soft flurries drift out of the sky, and the air is crisp. Unlike yesterday's disasters during the bloodbath, she isn't out cold, distracted, or confused. Her mind is crystal clear and focused on her current task.

Time to go see what they're up to. And pray that Achmetha isn't planning what I think he is. If he is, I'm going to kill him. The thought startles her. She'll kill him? She's never hurt another person. Can she really believe that she'll be able to kill him if it comes to that?

Her jaw sets. Yes. If it means protecting my allies, then yes. I won't let him hurt anyone... Still, she manages to convince herself that he's not going to hurt anyone she trusts. She pushes down the distrust and calms her fears as she trudges further into the forest of evergreens.

Achmetha is her ally and Azrael's. Surely, surely, her trust isn't misplaced. Surely he wouldn't backstab his allies. You know he would... The still small voice whimpers deep within her soul. I don't want to believe that. He wouldn't... She has to believe that she isn't making a mistake by trusting him. She has to.

Voices catch her ear, and she slows her pace, approaching the clearing quietly. She hunkers down behind a few trees to watch what's going on. The two have Alexander tied up to a tree. Blood is trickling down his throat, and he looks like he's out cold. Achmetha is glaring at Azrael and waving a gun in the air.

No. This isn't happening. It isn't... He isn't going to shoot him. Deep down, Meri knows that Achmetha is going to do exactly that. She's known it since she allied with him. But she doesn't want to believe it. Doesn't believe it until he aims the gun at Azrael's chest and clenches his finger on the trigger. His movement burns deep in her stomach as though he's stabbed her and is twisting the knife in the wound. Bile bites at the back of her throat, bitter and assaulting.

The gun goes off as Azrael lunges forward. The bullet goes straight through his arm, landing in the snow, slick with his blood. His jacket sleeve is soaked through with blood within moments. Her heart leaps into her throat as she stifles an outcry of pain and rage. He shot him! I trusted that moron not to hurt Azrael. I begged him to help me keep him alive, and this is how he repays my trust? I am going to kill that jerk!

Retribution: Meri YanamariDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora