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Sad day, it's raining since hours and there are not customers. Fortunately I close early on Monday.

I have just a last order for a lady that is coming soon I think so I hurry but while doing it good. I honed again a bit and it's ready. I take a look to the flowers, if they have enough water when the frontal door's opening. It's Niall.

"Oh ! Hello my dear. What brings you here?" I take few roses in my hands and look if they're good.

"I'd like to apologize." I put back the flowers.

"Oh really? That's really kind of you."

"I've been disrespectful toward you."

"I didn't notice." I go to the counter, sit on a high chair and check my phone.

"I just had a bad new and I wanted to tell you, face to face because you didn't answer to your phone and I even thought something bad happened. But anyway and when I saw you with this guy, that I hate because he has a bad influence on you. I..."

"I stop you right there, you don't know him, okay?" I immediately look up to Niall.

"You know him for a week barely, do you call it "to know someone" ? I don't think so."

"He told me more about him than you think."

"He maybe lied, he maybe only wants you in his bed."

"Go out from my shop, Niall." I get up.

"I only warn you, Harry."

"GO AWAY !" I yell, pointing out the frontal door.

Niall goes out in hurry.

I let myself into the chair and think.

I've never acted that way toward Niall but he exceeds the blind. He's so direspectful to me only "because" of Louis. Louis is a great person, we have a lot of common points, even if it's not obvious at first sight, we along well and quite quickly, I think it's what bothers him. I have a new friend and now he think I'll leave him alone. He's jealous because I met someone new. What did he think ? That I'll stay without friends for the rest of my life?! Surely not!

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