Chapter two

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Yes, felt bad for just leaving in mid-sentance, but I didn't want to get in an argument right now with her, and it really hurts am to see what she's like now, knowing it's because of me. "That was quick." Teddy smiles, and I return one right back to her.

"Yeah, they were free." I said.

"Oh awesome."

"What place are you playing at here?" Teddy asked.

"The mall." I reply, and she furrows her eyebrows.

"Why here?" She asks, and I sigh.

"Well, my managers want me to go acoustic for my last concert and they thought this would be a good place since its small." Hey, are you hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah, where do you want to eat?"

"How about...Tim square pizza?" I ask, and she laughs.

"Huh...that sounds a lot like Times Square."

"You have no idea."


I closed the shop for my break. It was 7:00, so I wanted to get some dinner food. I decided to get some pizza.


I got to Tim Squares pizza and got in line to order. This one dude was taking forever to order. "Dude! It's not that hard to order pizza!" I say, and his whole body stiffened. "What? Do I scare you?" I ask in a baby voice. The guy leaned forward and whispered something in the worker guys ear.

"Security!" The worker yelled. What?

"Who do you think you are?" I yell, turning him around. I looked at him In disbelief. Austin had called security on me.


I was in my pent house at New York, watching tv and it went to entertainment news. Click. I turned the TV off. I decided to take a walk in the park. Since I left Miami, I have taken a lot more walks.

I got to the park, and went over to a bench and saw a baby! I picked...lets see...her DEFINITELY a her up. "Come on. Lets see who your momma is." I say in a baby voice, as I smile down at her.


"Okay Dez, for the next music video is for Mr. Timberlake, and it will be shot in an arcade." Jake tells me, and I nod.

"When the shooting be?" I asked.

"Tomorrow starting at 11:00 am." He says, I give him a small smile.

"Nice. Well I have to get back to Susan. Bye Mr. Deylaylee." I say, and make my way out of the studio.

I got to my apartment, and walked inside. "Hey sweetie." I say, kissing Susan on the cheek.

"Hi...Dez." She says, looking down at her small manicured hands.

"Hey...what's wrong?" I asked turning lifting her chin to look at me. "We need to talk." Susan said walking me over to the couch. Uh oh, that's never good.

"I'm breaking up with you.


They carried me out of Tim square's pizza, and back to Sonic Boom. How could Austin do this? This isn't like him. He's changed. Then again, so have I. I walk over to the set of drums we have on display. This is where it all happened. Where I first met Austin. I used to think that it was the best day in my life. Now its the worst. I just thought that he would be falling all over me and begging for me to take him back. Not that I would say yes. I took a bat and smashed the drums. Never again.


''What?'' I whispered. ''This, what we're doing isnt healthy. We barely see eachother, we never fight, and you never stop working.'' she said and left the house. I can't believe it. I just lost the most important thing in my life. Well...second.


I had gone to a near by orphanage and they said that they had no record of a baby girl. I walk out with a sigh. I don't care how long it takes, and am finding this precious little baby's mom. ''Dont worry, I'll find your momma.'' I coo, and the small baby laughs, and brings her frail hands up to her mouth. Little did I know, she was closer than I had thought.


I know I had called security on Ally, but it doesnt matter because we're strangers now anyways. ''You know her.'' Teddy says, finishing her pizza,

''What...?'' I say in a high pitched voice. '

'Dont lie to me Austin'' She says looking at me sternly.

''She's not important okay?' I said annoyed, and she scoffs.

''If she's not important then why dont you tell me who she is?!'' Teddy yells and throws her hands I'm the air out

of frustration.

''Because she's not worth talking about!'' I say, and she crosses her arms.

"Listen, and listen good. I've been cheated on, and I'm not letting it happen again. So until you tell me who she is...we're done.'' She says, walking away. Well I don't have time to think about it now. I throw the rest of my pizza away, and started to run to where the mall stage was.


I headed out to the mall stage. Some celebrity is performing there. Hey! Don't look at me like that! I still love music. Ooh, maybe it's Selena Gomez or Ariana Grande! They're still getting like the guitars and the drums. "Attention! Our celebrity guest will be performing in five minutes!" This announcer guy announced.

I pushed through people to get to the front, and let me say there are at least a thousand people here! "Hey, watch it!" This little girl yelled. "Sorry-Megan?!"

"OMG! Ally? What are you doing here?" She asks really confused.

"I still love music. Hey, do you know who's performing tonight?" I ask, and her eyes widen. "You seriously don't know?" Megan says, looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Yeah." I say embarrassed, and look down at the cement floor.

"It's-" Megan got cut off.

The light dimmed. "Everybody! Lets give a big Austin Moon!"

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