Chapter thirteen

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"Ally get back here!" I screamed at her, and started chasing her. Who is she dating!?

"No!" She yelled back at me. When did she become fast? I ran as fast as I could, and I started to gain on her. She looked behind her back, and I grabbed he arm. She screamed, "Help!"

"Ally calm down!" I whispered to her. We heard footsteps coming, and I held on tighter to her.

"Ill save you! Superman (trust me I'm not a carrot, I just couldn't help myself ;) )!" The figure- wait a second, is that-?

"Louis! Thank god!" Ally says relieved.

"Wait...Ally?" He asked puzzled.

"Who's he?" He asked, pointing to me.

"I'm her-" I was cut off.

"My stalker ex boyfriend." She replied, and crosses her arms. I heard more foot steps coming, and then someone else appeared.

"What are you doing with her?"

"Okay Ally, how do you know One Direction?" I asked Ally, an she gives me a small shrug. Harry walked over to me and punched me in the nose, causing me to let go of her, and grab my nose.

"Don't ever go near her again!" He screamed. Wait a minute...

"You're her boyfriend?!" I yelled, as I hold my nose.

"What's it to you?" He asked, and I give him a glare.

"Oh boy..." Louis mumbled.

"This!" I yelled, and punched his eye. Ally gasped, and Louis's jaw dropped open.

"You shouldn't have done that..." Harry said, eyes now dark. Ally and Louis just stood there frozen, as Harry tackled me to the ground. You would think that if Harry is so easy to picking fights, then Louis would know what to do. As Harry began punching my face, I could see in the corner of my eye, that Louis took her arm, and started pulling her away from us.

I started to punch Harry, and quickly realized I wasn't as strong as him. "Ally, stop!" I heard Louis yell, which made me an Harry turn around at the same time.

"Ally!" Me and Harry screamed at the same time. Ally was walking away from us into the road, and couldn't see a car coming around the corner. I got up, and began to run after her, but it was to late.

Ally got hit.

"No!" I barely heard Harry scream. I just stood there frozen and watched the person who just got hit drive away. Wait...was that Dallas? The lights around me began to go dim, and everything around me got fuzzy.

"Ally's Stalker boyfriend?" I heard Louis ask half concerned, before everything went black.


I woke up, to see I was still in the park type place, all alone. So they just left me here. Great. My mind began to remember what just happened, and about Ally getting hit. I quickly shot up, and began to run to the nearest hospital. The whole entire time I was running, all I could think about was Ally.

As I began to slow down, I looked right in front of me, and saw the Miami hospital. The same one that Ally and I were in last year. I ran inside, and stopped at the front desk. "I'm here to see Alison Dawson." I said quickly, and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry sir, but she's not open to visitors at the moment." She said with a fake smile plastered on her plastic looking face. She looked like Someone from the Purge.

"I don't care, I need to see her!" I yelled at the lady.

"The waiting rooms are over there sir." She said pointing to a section of the room, filled with plastic chairs. I sighed in defeat, and walked over.

I looked over and saw Louis an Harry in the chairs next to me. I ground and put my face in my hands. I just sat there doing nothing, when a nurse called out, "Alright who's here for Alison Dawson?" The short nurse asked. Me, Harry, and Louis all stood up at the same time, walking over

to her.

"How is she...?"

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