Cinderella: Extended

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The Tale of a Superior Being
By Dystopia

Edited By Azalee Harris

I receive a letter in the mail.

It is an invitation to the prince's ball, in his desperate attempt to find a wife. I squeal in joy, until my step-sisters threaten to punch me in the kidney. I am sure I would be the perfect wife; after all, I'm flawless. I cannot comprehend why anyone would think otherwise.

But how shall I attend? My mother hates me, though I have no clue why. She would never allow me to go to the ball, in fear that the prince shall have the ability to behold my glory. So, I must come up with a plan. I grab a brick and hit her upside the head. Now I can drag her limp body into the hall closet! After finishing that task, I lock the door. Problem solved!

But I need assistance with preparing myself for this great event! I should've just threatened her. How will I explain this to the investigators? I know, I will just move to Canada!

Then I remember! About a month ago, I discovered that we have rats in our basement. Maybe they can help!

I trot downstairs to find the little balls of fur slowly devouring our peanut butter stash. I try to think of ways to communicate with them, when all of the sudden, I hear this deep masculine voice.

"Is there a reason you have disrupted our snack, my dear maiden?" I jump and glance to the cellar door, wondering who in the world that was.

"Down here, m'lady," the voice murmurs creepily. I glance to my feet to see one of the rodents tugging on the hem of my skirts. I quickly shift my focus to other parts of the room in an attempt to locate the other feeble beasts. I notice them all in the corner, just kind of sitting there helplessly. I return my gaze to their leader.

"There you are! Oh, dear! You sure gave me a fright!"

"I apologize, m'lady, but must I ask again, what brings you to my kingdom?"

At first I don't know what he is talking about, but soon figure out that he thinks this house is in his control. "Oh, kind sir, I fear that you have been mistaken. My step mother owns this property - err. . . used to. . . and you just so happened to come across it in search of food, I assume."

His beady black eyes seem to look deep into my soul. He takes a moment to ponder on this, then replies with, "My, my, my, how fortunate I am that you have spared my people! May I do something in return for your kindness?"

"Why, I do happen to have something in mind! May I ask your name, mighty Lord?"

"How could I have forgotten introductions, miss? I am truly sorry! I am Lord Momo of the Momo dynasty. And you are?"

"I am Cinderella of the. . .oh never mind! I don't suppose I belong to a dynasty, do I?"

He makes this odd noise that I assume is the rat form of laughter.

"Listen, kind sir, I have a small request of you."

"Go on, fair maiden."

"Could you make me a ball gown for a party that I must attend tonight?"

"M'lady, I do not have the proper material to do such a thing, but if you may supply my kingdom with some, we could make you the finest gown in the land!"

"All right then. I shall see what I can get access to, and until then, you may eat all you can get a hold on!"

"Why thank you! And you will look like a princess by the eve!"

I practically skip to the first floor, in such a rush to find what I need. Maybe I will find something useful outside on this fine morn.

As soon as I cross the threshold of the front door, I spot a strange furry black and white animal in the distance, casually sniffing at our half dead rose bushes. When I sneak quietly up to it, it lifts up its tail and shoots this wonderful substance at my face. I'm blinded temporarily, but soon my vision clears. I realize with glee that this creature may help towards making the perfect dress! So I snatch it up and give a sharp twist to its neck. I return to the house as quick as I can and dangle its limp body in front of the trustworthy rats. "Sire, I found the perfect thing!"

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