Chapter 1

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 Elliot's P.O.V

            I duck as Dylan throws a right hook aiming to break my nose instead he hits my head.I see spots but shake it off.I throw another but he ducks so I miss hitting the wall. I hear people making bets and gambling my sister is working she helps place bets for me so we could get money I've never lost a fight so it's a safe bet.I throw a couple more punches and so does he.My vision starts to blur but I ignore it and keep going. I know one more punch will break my hand,so I decide on a round house kick if I don't make this he wins so I kick and hear a sicking snap as I break his nose. I know Ella my little sister will catch a ride with a friend so I know that is taken care of. Every one leaves right after the fight so the Police won't catch us. I look up and see no ones is around and My vision blurs and I can't shake it off. I call Izzy knowing she'll track my phone and help. The last thing I hear is "Hello?"

Izzy's P.O.V

               I told him not to go tonight. Sure this rarely happens, but he always gets hurt. Always. He says he does it for his little sister, which he does, but it's so much more. I don't know what it is, but I just worry about him.

I slip out of my pj's, track his phone like I've done a million times before, and sneak out, driving as fast as I can, running red lights, almost getting in an accident for this stupid boy.

I jump out of my car and kneel beside him. I groan at him, he's breathing but severely hurt. I roll my eyes and call the ambulance.

"He's fine." A random dude says to me and grabs my phone, chucking it against the brick wall. I mentally slap the shit out of him. That. Was. My. iPhone!

I take Ellie's phone out of his pocket and he takes it again. I'd never be able to meet his eye.

"You his girlfriend?" He smirks as I stare at his chin. Only his chin.

"No, we're friends. And if I don't call for help, he could die." I grab Ellie's phone from the jerks hand and decide to call my mother. I know it's a bold choice, calling my step-mother for doctor help since I have no need for her at any other time.

"Yeah, Anne? Could you come over, I need you to look at my friend. He's breathing, but not opening his eyes."

"We should take him to the hospital then, you silly girl." She hangs up on me and I know she's coming. That's the thing about her, she's there when you need her and especially when you don't.


Ellie's Pov

I flutter my eyes open and I grab my neck making sure I still have on my championship necklace.

"You almost died and that's what you're worried about?"

"What'd you say to the doctor?"

"I told them you were attacked by like a gang of something, I don't remember."

"Did I lose?" She rolls her eyes.

"Did I?"

"No. Ellie, you didn't. You did however almost die, I mention for the hundredth time!"

"Well..." I say speechless.

"Were you worried about me?" I smirk.

"No. I knew you'd be alright, you little prick." She punches my arm. I wince and she curses.

"Sorry." She whispers and I nod. She wants to cry, I can sense the wetness in her eyes as she stares at the bruises. I smack my tongue against the roof of my mouth and stare at the ceiling.

"You can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?"

"This! Fighting. Deliberately trying to kill yourself."

"Not deliberately, just voluntarily." He scoffs and I grab her wrist as she tries walking away from me.

"Hey, I'm sorry."


"That's not my name!" I groan and lay my head back on the pillow.

"Fine Elliot."

"Not it either."

"I can call you Elizabeth." She laughs. It's kinda hard not to respond to that laugh.

"Ellie's good."

"Your sister is waiting for you. So is your mother."

"Let my sister in, not my mom." She nods. She understands me. She gets why I hate her. Why I'll resent her for the rest if my life.

"Here she is."

"Hey pretty girl." I know she's unable to respond, but I always check. I wish I could know what she's thinking. Is she scared? Is she mad? What the fuck is she feeling?

"She just got back to therapy." I nod and she sits beside me, smiling at me. I stare at the gap between her teeth and smile back.

I make up things that's she would say in my head. For one:

"I love you." And I know what my answer would be.

"I love you more."


She helps me out of the car as blood hardens against my face. She hums a song, probably Taylor Swift, as she walks me to the house.

"I've got it. Get Ella. How did you not get caught by the cops?" I ask.

"I told them the excuse and they believed me. Naive bastards."

"You cuss too much." She scoffs. She's fluent in bad words.

"Just be quiet."

"Get Ella."

"I'm gonna get Ella, but you need to sit down first."

"Get Ella, now." She leans me against the door where my body aches as I touch the brick to my back.

"C'mon, Ella." She whispers, holding her hand because shes not too old for that.

"Go to bed, get dressed, and I'll come read you a story." She nods.

She stares me down as I stay leaning on the side of the door, staring at my sister walking around the corner.

Izzy gives me that death glare that she's so good at. You know you did her wrong when you receive that look.

"I know, I screwed up."

"No, you are a screw up." She breaths and apologizes for her rudeness which really doesn't even bother me anymore.

"I just do it for money."

"You could just live with your grandparents."

"They don't know Ella's mute. They'd disrespect her when Im not around. Plus... She'd have no friends. Not that she has many now." I want to beat someone up.

"She's trying."

"I know! She just... She had no control over it. And I wanna stab someone for it. She doesn't want to be clingy, she doesn't want to be isolated, she wants to be normal."

"Just lean your head back." She wipes a warm cloth against my skin. I sigh as she soothes the sharp pain on my left cheek.

"He cut you." She whispers. He always does. Cleaning my face, she turns the radio to the country station and I groan.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I change it and she changes it back.

"If a Taylor Swift song starts, I swear, you will die." She nods her head to a totally foreign song.

"Turn your head." She moves my cheek with two fingers and wipes my chest. Staring she smiles as she finishes.

"Ellie. I... I need to get home." I nod,and she leaves. Just like last time. And she forgot Ella's story,Go figure.


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