I've Changed

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So here I am rooting through my wardrobe for something to wear for my "just friends" dinner with Chad. Why am I even going to this effort if I want us to just be friends? I can't take this conflict! He's just hurt me one too many times and every time I think he's changed and becoming less self absorbed he pulls another stunt like that recount he ordered for the tween choice awards and it feels like it's back to square one again.

I can't help but reminisce about the good times though. Like when he went through all that trouble to help the So Random gang with all their problems whilst I was sick (even though I pretty much tricked him into it). Plus there was the time he came all the way to Wisconsin and fell out of a plane just to apologise for doubting me. One thing is certain. I need to make a decision about Chad and I need to do it soon. Just friends or do I hope once again that he'll change?

Chad's POV:

I haven't felt this nervous since my first date with Sonny. I know I told her I wanted to take her to Meceli's just as friends but of course I didn't mean that. I miss her and I've regretted ordering that recount everyday since she made me realise what a jerk I'd been. Looking back now I can't believe how selfish and self centred I was. Sonny was right. I should have been supportive of her win for So Random rather than become obsessed with Mackenzie Falls' winning streak at the awards. I was so wrapped up in wanting to win that I didn't even think about Sonny's feelings. I feel terrible. I just want to make her see how sorry I am and I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to her.

I pick out a simple white button down shirt and  jeans. Nothing too date like as much as I really wish that was happening right now. I wonder if she even has feelings for me anymore. Can't say I would blame her if she didn't. I just really miss my short stack.

Sonny's POV:

So I finally decide on wearing a floral blouse and some flared jeans. Nothing too dressy. Just a casual dinner...as friends. I told Chad that I'd meet him in the restaurant. I figured that'd be the first step to making things well...less awkward. I mean can you imagine if he picked me up in his limo? Talk about awkward silence all the way there. It's only a couple of blocks away so I decided to walk it and have a chance to grab some fresh air and clear my mind before the inevitable conversation happens about where me and Chad go from here. Chad being Chad will definitely bring up the drama that went down between us I know it. I have to at least prepare myself for it somehow. I'm deep in my thoughts and I almost walk past the restaurant. I can see Chad sat at a quiet table for two near the back. He looks solemn and distant from the rest of the world and there's that feeling inside me that I just can't shake. I know I still love him.

Chad's POV:
I'm waiting for Sonny and my mind just can't settle. What if she doesn't turn up? What if she hates me and just said she'd go to get me off her case? I knew this was a waste of time. Maybe I should just learn when to give up. As I go to grab my coat and leave I hear an all too familiar voice.

"You going somewhere?"

She turned up and I can't quite believe it.

"Uh Chad?" Sonny waves her hand in front of me.

"Sorry Sonny, I just. I didn't think you'd come"

"Well you know me. I couldn't pass up eating here. Love Italian food" she laughs. I've missed her laugh so much.

"Yeah, I know" I smile and she sits down.

We look over the menu and the waiter approaches to take our order. I decide on the carbonara and Sonny orders the spaghetti bolognese.

"Any drinks for the beautiful couple?" The waiter asks.

Me and Sonny both laugh awkwardly.

"Uh nope, we're uh, we're just friends" Sonny states.

"Yep what she said" I scratch my head.

"Hm" the waiter says as he winks at me.

"You know what can we just order the drinks?" I say trying to pretend that awkward exchange didn't just happen

"Yes of course"

"Great! Well I'll have a lime and soda please" sonny says.

"And i'll get a cola"

"Okay, coming right up. Your  food shouldn't be long"

Sonny looks me in the eyes and I can't help but feel nervous
"Thanks for inviting me Chad. This is really great"

"You're welcome" I smile. "look um...I know I've said this already but, i'm really sorry again for what I did ordering that recount, and for what happened at the patio."

"Listen, let's just forget about that now"

"No please, I mean it Sonny. I never wanted to hurt you like that. I was selfish and arrogant and you deserved better. I'm just glad you can still be my friend"

She looks down and smiles and I feel all weak inside.

"Chad. I do know how sorry you are. And i'm glad we're friends still. It'd be really weird not having you in my life."

"Same here"

Okay well that's a good start right. I want us to be a couple again but maybe starting at the beginning again as friends is what we need. I can prove to her just how much I've changed.

Authors Note: please let me know any thoughts on this story. I'm enjoying writing it and hope you enjoy reading it!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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