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Shannon POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone exploding with notifications... from Tumblr. I always got notifications from tumblr because I was "popular" on there, but today it was different. My inbox had 1,462 messages, and they all said the same thing;  "You should talk to Cammie, you two would make a cute couple!".  The only thing I could think of was 'who the hell is Cammie?'.

I look over at the clock, 8:45am.

"Shit, Im gonna be late!" 

I am a Junior in college:my first class of the day starts at 9am. I am 20 years old, single and lesbian. No one knows just my mom, dad and sister... and my Tumblr followers. I am in a sorority, meaning a bunch of girls living together, so coming out to them is not on my to-do list. 

I get to class just in time,  they day went on like It normally would. 

12:30 am: *The-2nd-Star-To-The-Right is now following you*   

I was so confused, I opened up Tumblr to see who this person was... It was that Cammie girl everyone was messaging me about. Once I saw who it was I put my phone down so I could go on with my day. I imminently picked it backup, I wanted to know who she was and why people thought we would be good together.

I was home now, still stalking Cammie... I reached the end of her blog. I could not believe it, I had spent the whole day looking at her blog and laughing, I don't know what happened, I was shocked.       *New Message from The-2nd-Star-To-The-Right*    It was her... its like she knew I was looking at her blog

Cammie: Hello... I am Cammie. You are Shannon... right 

Shannon: Yeah.. hey... 

Cammie: I just wanted to know if you have been getting the same messages as me, saying you and I should be a thing? And if you haven't... than this is weird. 

 Shannon: Yeah, I was just reading through them. It's weird... and funny. Ha-Ha.

Cammie: Yeah... Ha-Ha.

And that was it, I was expecting her to ask about my life or something... but no that was it."Do you think she'll think I'm weird if I ask her questions.... like to get to know her?" I asked my self... "Hopefully not.."

Shannon: Hey, do you mind if I ask you some questions... Maybe we can end up being friends.. 

 Cammie: Sure Ha-Ha, that sounds great... Lets go back and forth asking questions.

 Shannon: Where are you from and age, you dont have to answer if you don't want to. 

Cammie: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania & 21years old... How about you?

Shannon: Dallas, Texas and 20years old... Junior in College.

 Cammie: I just graduated... I wasn't very good at school,  i'm lucky I graduated. Math was always my hardest subject.

Shannon: I guess you could say I'm good at school. School never really bothered me.

We messaged each other for hours straight. I felt something, something more than a friendship. The weirdest part is that I haven't even met her yet and I'm already going crazy about her... Why?!

Shannon ❤️ CammieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora