Chapter 2

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Cammie POV

It is almost 3:00am in Pennsylvania and Shannon and I are still messaging each other. It honestly feels like we've known each other for years. I get really excited when I see that Shannon is typing. I think I like her... a lot. Are we going to be able to end up as more than friends?

*Months Later*

Shannon POV 

Cammie and I have been talking for months now. I get this feeling when I talk to her, I really like her and she knows how I feel. We've been talking a lot more now : texting, calling, face timing... for hours. I can talk to her all day and not get bored. She is just so fascinating, I want her to be my girlfriend but I dont want it to be one of those only online relationships... I wish we could meet each other face to face, I could fry to Pittsburgh or she could fly to Dallas. We both know how we feel about each other, but we don't know what to do about it.

Cammie POV

"Mom, I really like her! Do you think it'll be weird if I fly to Dallas to see her? Do you think it'll freak her out?" I asked my mom nervously, I hadn't really asked her about girl advise before...

Sandy(Cammie's Mom): "You should follow your heart, I know that sounds cheesy but its true. If you like her and if she likes you as much as you say she does... then go for it. You won't lose anything by just going, maybe you'll end up with a girlfriend. Ha-Ha" 

My mom was right, I should do what feels right in my heart. Meeting Shannon face to face was what my heart wanted...

Cammie: *Hey Shan... I really like you , you know that right?*

Shannon: * Yeah, of course I know that! I really like you too*

Cammie: *Good... So what do you think about meeting each other, face to face?*

Shannon: *I would love that, but you know my parents... they won't let me fly across the country to meet a 'stranger'...*

Cammie: *Well you don't have to, I'll come to you*

Shannon: *Seriously?! Oh my god, yes! I would love  to finally meet you!*

Cammie: *Okay good! I will book my flight for.. next week?*

Shannon: *That is perfect!💕*

I was so excited I was finally going to meet Shannon face to face! Only 6 Days to go!

Shannon POV

Shannon: "Mom! She's coming! She's coming! I can't believe i'm finally gonna meet the love of my life!"

Debra(Shannon's Mom): "Calm down! You haven't even met her yet, how do you know she's the love of your life?"

Shannon: "Somethings you just know, I feel something stronger that a friendship when I talk to her.."

I am so happy Cammie is coming to visit me, I have to start planning the activities we are going to do.

*5 Days Later*

She gets here tomorrow, I am so nervous and excited and worried. I just dont know! What if she ends up hating me, or I end up not liking her? 'What am I talking about? Of course I will still like her!' I thought to my self, nervously.

Cammie POV

Oh my god... today is the day... the day I finally meet her. She said she was nervous, and I'm also nervous but I can't tell her cause then we'll both be nervous!

Did I pack too much? Too little? If you couldn't tell, I am really nervous! I was originally going to stay at a hotel near Shannon's house for a week, but she insisted that I stayed at her house because they had an extra room. 

It is 8:45am, we are just about to board the plain which leaves at 9:00am. I got to the airport really early because I was so nervous, better early than late...right?! My whole body is shaking because I am excited and scared.

Shannon POV

It is now 11:05am, I am 55 minutes early. I am not even scared anymore, i'm just really excited to see her beautiful face. Who knows what this week is going to go like, I hope it ends by me calling Cammie my girlfriend. I hope she likes me as much as I like her.

*1 hour late*

Its now 12:15 and Cammie still hasn't texted me letting me know she landed. I was starting to get really worried. I am trying to make time pass faster, so I think i'll go buy Cammie and I coffee from the Starbucks in the airport. As soon and I grabbed the coffees and went to sit down, I saw a gorgeous girl with dirty blond hair, and big green eyes.... It was her....

**This is the first story I've written so I know I am bad, but please leave some input so I can make this story better! Comment Please** 

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