Chapter Ten.

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Daniels POV

I woke up to my lovely boyfriend right by my side. He was still sleeping so I decided to take some selfies with him. Why? Because he's hella cute when he's sleeping.

I got many pictures, but there was one that I absolutely loved. It was where I was kissing Joey's cheek and it looks like he gave a little half smile in it, so I set it as my wallpaper.

Joey started waking up and he stretched his arms behind his head, grabbing both of my cheeks with his hands and bending backwards to give me a kiss. Wow he's flexible.

Joey- "Hi."

I laughed at his awkwardness and responded, mocking him.

Daniel- "Hi."

Joey- "We should probably get ready for school, you can wear some of my clothes."

Daniel- "Okay." I said and we walked upstairs.

We were getting ready when I decided to break the silence.

Daniel- "So Joey..."

Joey- "Yeah?"

Daniel- "Well you know... Homecoming 
is coming up, and I wanted to know, what color boutonnière do you want?"

Joey ran up to me, jumped on me and started giving me kisses all over while he had his big Joey smile.

I was smiling too and put him down and gave him a passionate kiss.


Joeys POV

When Daniel asked what color boutonnière I wanted I knew exactly what he meant. I'm going to Homecoming! I thought to myself. We got in his car and headed to school. My arm was on the arm rest and Daniel snaked his hand into mine and looked at me giving me a slight grin.

We got to school and saw that all the cheerleaders were wearing their dates Letterman's, I couldn't wait till I got to wear Daniel's.

It was lunch and I had my tray and walked over to the table where all the football players were since Daniel wasn't there yet. I was making really good friends with Shane and I felt something slung over my shoulder. It was Daniel and his Letterman.

Daniel- "Now we can say it's official."

I smiled and scrunched up my nose, trying to be cute. He was just sitting there staring at me.

Joey- "Any reason to why you're staring?"

Daniel- "Well um number one, you look sexy in my jacket. And number two I feel I should have the right to stare at my boyfriend."

I blushed so hard.


It was later and the football game was about to start. I was talking to Daniel before he went into the locker rooms.

Daniel- "I want to hear you screaming at me, I want you to be the loudest in the crowd, I want you to be so loud that I'm embarrassed."

I smiled at the last part and gave him a good luck kiss.

Daniel- "Oh! and I'll be sure to get you a touchdown." he said winking at me before I left.

The game started and the entire crowd was screaming, some chanting cheers and girlfriends calling out their boyfriends. My voice is actually killing me from yelling so much.

We were at the last quarter of the game and we were tied. Another touchdown, either team could win. I saw Shane throw the ball and Daniel caught it. He was running so fast and dodging every player trying to get the ball.


I was screaming my lungs out. I ran out of the bleachers and saw Daniel running towards me. He came and picked me up and spinning back and fourth with me in his arms. He finally put me down and I kissed him and pulled away.

Joey- "YOU WON!"

Daniel- "Just for you Joseph, just for you."

He picked me up bridal style and walked me to his car.

Daniel- "Stay here until I come back." he said very demanding.

Joey- "Okay mom." I said very sarcastically.

I wanted to scare him. So I got out of the car and waited for him to come back.

He eventually came back and it was dark and he wasn't paying attention. So he got in the car not realizing I wasn't there and I came up to them rivers side and smacked my hands on the window.

Joey- "BOO!"

He screamed like a little girl.

Daniel- "You fucker! Get in the car!"

I did as I was told laughing the entire time.

Joey- "Love youuuuuu."

Daniel- "Whatever." he said while pulling my hand and kissing the back of it.

We pulled up to his driveway and went inside to his room and passed our immediately without even changing.


ooooooo longer chapters. this chapter was inspired by @janielisotp and her story How To Be a Heartbreaker. so if you're not reading it I highly suggest it!

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