Who's that lady?

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The next day at 10:53am Tyrell was in the janitors closet of an S.T.U (Se Tera University) dorm. With his mind on getting off, Tyrell made sure he got his work done early. He placed the last of his equipment away and began to change clothes.

Tyrell put on a long sleeve black thermal, dark blue jeans, brown boots, and his black bandana. He unzipped the side pocket of his book bag and took out his glock 40. He inserted the gun in the pocket of the basketball shorts he wore under his jeans. Neatly folding his work clothes, Tyrell placed them in his backpack.

He was ready to scout the rival gang territory, but still had a dilemma. Jameka couldn’t let him borrow the car because her mother needed it, so he still didn’t have a way to get the job done. He didn’t have the money to pay for a cab, and riding the bus through their hood was just plain stupid. Lucky for him, he had an Ace up his sleeve, his sister Jasmine. He wasn’t sure she would let him borrow her car, but it’s worth a shot. Tyrell knew calling her to ask isn’t a good idea. Asking her face-to-face was his best bet, all he had to do was catch the bus to her school. With his mind made up, Tyrell walked to the door.

“Done already?” A voice called out. Tyrell looked to his right and spotted a young receptionist at her office, her name’s Tiffany.

“Yea, I gotta head out. There’s some things I need to do,” Tyrell informed.

“Do you have time to help me with something?” Tiffany asked. Tyrell bit his lip deciding if he should. He was leaning towards no, helping her was the last of his concerns. Before Tyrell had a chance to refuse, Tiffany gazed at him with the most innocent face. Seeing her sparkling eyes, luscious lips, and flawless brown skin, changed Tyrell’s original decision.

“Ight, what is it?” He wondered. Tiffany got out of her seat and stepped toward him getting closer than expected. Tyrell straightened himself and stuck his chest out.

“I got some box’s I need to move from up stairs. Their kind of heavy, can you help me bring them down?” Tiffany asked, staring in his eyes. Her perfume smelled so good Tyrell could jump out his clothes.

“Yea no problem,” He offered.

“Thanks,” she replied. “Follow me.” Tiffany led him to the stair way were they began their long climb up two flights of steps. The stairway’s pretty hot, but Tyrell didn’t mind because he had front row seats to Tiffany’s backside.

“Don’t you hate it when the elevator breaks?” Tiffany commented. “You have to walk up all these steps.”

“Eh, it aint too bad. The one at my crib stay broke,” He responded, eyes glued to her butt. After reaching the third floor, Tiffany went to her room unlocking the doors. Tyrell waited at the doorway as he watched her walk in.

“You can come in, as long as you don’t bite,” She giggled. Tyrell eased his way in the room, slightly uncomfortable. “Hmm there around here somewhere,” Tiffany went in her closet bending over searching through her possessions. Tyrell wiped the sweat from his brow. He was trying to fight the lust that tore at his heart.

“Damn,” he murmured, still watching Tiffany rummage through the room. As much as he tried, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

“Here they are!” Tiffany exclaimed. She stepped out of the closet pointing at a box. “There’s another one over here.” She brushed past Tyrell; her soft, smooth skin rubbed against his. Tyrell shook his head getting him mind right. Tiffany handed him the boxes and led him outside. The two walked down stairs and into the reception office.

“Thanks TY,” Tiffany smiled; her hyper white teeth almost blinded him.

“Don’t mention it, If you ever need somethin’ just let me know,” Tyrell said, acting smooth. He headed for the door smiling at her.

“Bye TY.” Tiffany waved.

“Ight Tiff,” he responded, keeping his eye on her. Still focused on Tiffany, Tyrell tripped in the doorway on his way out.

"Whoa… watch your step," she giggled.

"You know I'm good for it." He replied. He kept his cool and continued to walk as if nothing happened.

By the time he reached the bus stop he was able to get his mind off Tiffany. She was fine, and he couldn’t deny that. She also seemed to be giving all the signs he needed to pursue her. Of course he wanted too, but he knew his loyalties lay with Jameka. Had he been his old self, it would be a rap. He’d probably still be over there talking to her.

The bus came within the next few minutes. Tyrell put the last of his money in the bus coin slot, seventy-five cents was all had in his pocket. He hoped Jasmine would let him borrow the car, if not, he would have to walk home. The bus arrived at South Central high school fifteen minutes later.

Tyrell jumped off the bus and walked to the back of the school. Since he use to attend South Central, he knew his way around campus. He also knew away to enter the school with out going through security.

Tyrell scaled the fence behind the gym and jogged to the building. It’s nearing 11:40am, so lunchtime isn’t to far from now. He crept into the back door of the gym, which led to the janitor’s closet. While sliding past the cleaning equipment, a few thoughts of his own job came through his mind.

Once out of the Janitor’s closet, he found himself in the boy’s locker room; it still smelled the same too. He sprinted up the stairs into the main gym area and continued through the school. Reaching the front office, Tyrell asked which class his sister was in. The lady gave him the requested information, after some picture idea of course, and Tyrell went along his way.

Sitting in Science class lost in imagination, Jasmine glared at the board. She placed her head on the desk and closed her eyes. Just like her older brother, Jasmine held little interest for school. The only difference was she planned to graduate.

Jasmine was almost asleep when her phone vibrated. She got a text message from Tyrell saying come outside. Jasmine read the message again confused at why he would text her this. She looked at the door and spotted Tyrell outside the class. Jasmine raised her hand to get the teacher’s attention.

“Mrs. Jay! I need to go to the bathroom,” she exclaimed. The teacher nodded and continued with her lesson. When Jasmine got outside she shrugged her shoulders at Tyrell. “What the hell you doin’ here?”

“I need to borrow yo whip,” Tyrell asked.

“What?” Jasmine raised her voice. “You here to ask for my car?”

“Yea, I gotta do somethin’,” Tyrell reasoned. His sister folded her arms; she looked ticked off.

“What’s so important that you need my car?” She questioned.

“I can’t say, just know it’s ‘Important,’” Tyrell answered. Jasmine sucked her teeth, she had an idea it was gang related.

“Fine,” she agreed. “Just don’t do nothin’ stupid.” She dug in her pocket getting her keys.

“Of course not,” Tyrell lied. He took the keys from his sister and walked off.

“TY!” Jasmine shouted; Tyrell turned around. “My car tends to over heat sometimes, so be careful.”

“Don’t worry, I fix it when I get back. Just come to Meka spot when school out.” Tyrell responded.

            “Aight,” Jasmine nodded. Tyrell rushed out of the school going to the parking lot. It took a while but he finally found his sister’s car, he hopped inside the 1991 Buick and started the vehicle. He swerved out the parking lot and onto the road. Taking no heed to Jasmine’s warning, Tyrell sped down the street heading straight for Murda Maifa territory.

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