Blood in Blood out

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Blood in Blood out

Three hours later, Sarrachi was able to sneak outside and meet with Tyrell while his mother was resting. The two were by Tyrell’s house talking about what Kayron said earlier.

“He said, all he gotta do is make some calls.” Sarrachi informed. “So you down or what?”

“Yea I’m down,” Tyrell said, dapping his friend up. “Where Kayron at?”

“I don’t know,” Sarrachi shrugged. “He and ma got in a fight. I can use yo phone to hit him up?” Nodding his head, Tyrell lead Sarrachi in the house. The house was relatively empty since his mother and father were at work. His jobless grandmother was sitting on the couch next to Jasmine. When they came into the home Jasmine smiled at Sarrachi.

“Hey Rachi!” She exclaimed, waving eagerly at him.

“What up,” Sarrachi replied; he didn’t even look her way. He was well aware of the big crush she had on him, but had no intentions of feeding it. Sarrachi got the house phone dialing his brother’s cell, after three rings Kayron finally picked up.

“Yo,” Kayron answered.

“Aye, this Rachi,” Sarrachi said.

“Oh, what’s up?”

“You holla at yo mans yet?” Sarrachi questioned.

“As a matter of fact I did. I’m with them niggas right now.” Kayron informed. “You might as well go head and come through. We down 9th street in that abandon house on the left, you know, the one with that big ass tree.” Kayron directed.

“Yea,” Sarrachi agreed.

“You gon see me outside.” Kayron said. “And don’t take all day. Niggas on a time line.” Kayron hung up going about his business. Sarrachi’s face showed the good news he received, which made Tyrell curious.

“So what’s up?” Tyrell asked. Sarrachi used his head to motion Tyrell to follow him outside.

“Come on, I don’t want yo grandma to hear,” Sarrachi explained. Once outside they headed down the block to the abandoned house. “Aye my bro said we good.”

"Word. So where we goin?" Tyrell asked.

 "To that old house down the street,” Sarrachi said.

“Say no more then. I’m ready,” Tyrell smiled.

Although they wanted to run, the two walked to the house as fast as they could. When they reached the old house they saw the large oak tree in the front yard, which had a monstrous aroma. The house had a dull white paint job that peeled terribly. Most of the windows were boarded shut with rotten wood; the ones that weren’t were shattered. The house always gave them the chills, but now it didn’t seem as bad. A black door creaked opened from the side of the house. Lurking in the dark, Kayron came toward his brother and Tyrell, dapping them up.

“For a sec I thought ya’ll weren’t comin’,” Kayron teased. He looked them up and down. “Hope you ready.”

“For what?” Sarrachi wondered.

“I aint gon ruin the surpise.” He retorted. “Follow me.” Kayron turned around with a grin on his face and headed inside the house. The first room in the house was the living area. In it were three creepy looking Black Joka gang members who belonged to the Savage Ville Joka set. Kayron continued to walk forward and eventually entered the kitchen.

 “Aye yo Raw!” Kayron shouted. Stepping out of a dark room, a tall lanky dark skin male stood in front of Sarrachi and Tyrell. The whole right side of his face was covered with tattoos like most of his body. A large scar ran down the left side of his face. His eyes were cold black and his teeth were replaced with a permanent silver grill. Dressed in all black, a bandana was tied around his right wrist that was marked with two slashes. Sarrachi and Tyrell straightened themselves, they wanted to appear fearless, but in reality they were shaking on the inside.

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