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Brushing through my damp clean hair I stare at my refection placidly in my full length mirror, thinking back on my childhood. My parents; the original Luna and Alfa. They were savage and cruel, known for they're horrid punishments for no good reason, only searching for power. They could have easily built up the pack from what little they had like I did, but they enjoyed the empowerment their sins gave them, I guess.

I love you, my wolf whimpers to me in an attempt to sooth me.

A clear droplet falls to my warm scarlet cheek while my eyes glow a bright pure blue. Dropping my brush I bite my bottom lip aggressively. "I hate them!" I growl to my wolf.

Dark lashes rim my now hard coffee brown eyes regaining my emotions in preparation for breakfast. Letting out a deep sigh I straighten my black top, and wrap my hair with a hair band, securing it in a high point tail. Venturing from my mirror out my bedroom into the hall, meeting a weary Seth.

At the sight of me he leaps back. I assume it's because it's the first time I'm not covered in brown dirt. Noticing his stare I glare back into his serene eyes, attempting to be as unperturbed while my breath hitches in my throat. Our eye contact lasts 6.78 seconds, before I gulp seeing his lips open to speak.

"Are you okay Alfa?" He questions in his deep husky voice, running his long fingers through his tousled brown hair. How can something so manly sound so angelic and innocent. I frown my brows, looking down to my combat boots as I twiddle my thumbs. "Not that you show it at all, it's just..." he trails off inconveniently, "I don't know, I can feel you pain?" he queries rather than states, "And its bothering my wolf."

"Nothing I can't handle," I explain softer.

Wow, he really has an effect on you Aub, my inner wolf monologue teases as my walls slightly fall.

He groans loudly, sending a little jalt through my spin. Taking two strides closer until a near 30 centimeters is between our eyes. "Youre not the only Alfa in this house, only once of us was born to be a Luna. Ill get to the bottom of you, at least when you fully turn my wolf will." he smirks. My facial features grow weary.

Just let him figure you out.

"You've never even fully turned into you wolf, sure you've met him but that's it!" I bite back feeling rage encompass my bodie. Sure my wolf was enough all night, telling me I found my mate, but now the threats from someone I saved.

"How did you know-" I cut him off

You saved him because-

"Enough!" I roar. " I saved you, now can't you just thank me and get over it?"

"Well thanks." He yells back.

Yeah, thanks for blowing your nut and making us look like whack jobs.

"You're not gonna let this go, are you?" I ask quieter with a stern voice.

"Wouldn't dream of it Princess." his lips twitch into a smirk, and his green eyes fill with amusement at my disgusted expression.

I soaf dramatically, "Well, then I hope you enjoy disappointment,". Spinning on my heels I walk towards the dinning room satisfied I'd won.

"You look good in jeans by the way Auben." he hoots at me while hot on my tracks. I turn meeting his face with my eyes. I glare blankly. "Sorry that was my wolf." He laughs.

"Don't ever speak to me like that. My pack respect me, this is the Moon pack, not only do my pack respect me but every wolf in the continent does."

Way to toot your own horn Aub, my wolf snickers.

Oh come on where do you think my ego comes from? I retaliate in a humorous manner.

"I've heard of you." he speaks placidly.

I can't help but want to be kind and make a joke, for I think I just received my first compliments directed towards my body. I feel confidence wash over my body, nothing like the fight winning confidence, but...

You... We just got a compliment on our ass, our gluteus maximus, our doney! She chimes to me.

Donkey doesn't work there, I complain.

Buzzkill, much?

I am not a buzz kill!

"I never said you were a buzz kill?" Seths voice rumbles, snapping me out of my conversation. Is he still here?

"Lets just go to breakfast." I swiftly utter in realisation I just said that out loud.

"I was waiting for my Alfa to snap out of her daze and show me the way, I'm new remember." he retorts. He really is beautiful, but I'm already jack of his authority. I mean, it's stronger than mine, and that's intimidating. My wolf enjoys it though, having no authority, not that she had much before.

If it was up to her our HQ would be covered in cotton candy, painted pink with unicorns.

With sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everywhere, that wonderful is what I sing when we're together, she sings in spite of my distaste. I sigh and let out a muffled inaudible giggle.

He hasn't been here for 4 hours and the effect he is having on me is bringing me down. I'm acting like a 18 year old girl, not the leader of a pack.

I know he said "you're not the only alfa", but I'm not sure he wants to meet my other wolf.

I've decided to make the chapters short and sweet, I hope you like this different side of Seth, I don't think o portrayed him correctly in the last chapter as he seemed vulnerable, but I want him to be a fighter.
Big love x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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