Part 2

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* At Mook's birthday party *

(Mook POV) "Where are they ..? In an event like this they should be the first guest!"

I anxiously await the arrival of my two best friends. The event will begin soon, but I can not possibly start before they come. This is an important event ..!

(Author POV)

"Heiii hooo ..! What are you doing ..? You're waiting for your prince? Haha"

Hernfah came over. Hernfah look very handsome tonight.

"Happy birthday my dear cousin" he said, hugging Mook.

"Aaa..P'Hern! I thought you would not come because you will busy with the concerts."

"I already told you, I will come. But Nan can not attend because he is busy right now."

"Ah..I already know that he will not come. He got a lot of trouble .."

"Yes .. very many problems." Hernfah nodded.

"Does it related to ...?" Mook hinted something to Hernfah.

"Yah..something like that. But it does not need to be discuss in here. I'm afraid it will cause a new rumors later..can we discuss another topic..such as...who is your boyfriend? haha"

"I don't have! I just waiting for my bestfriend..."

"oohh.. i see..haha" Hernfah laugh.

(Hernfah POV)

"Hosh..hosh .. sorry. We are not late, right? The event has not started yet, right?" A girl came over.

"Naen!! I've been waiting for you guys!! And where is Hongyok??" Asked Mook. I can only see the girl stood in front of me. She looked like a person who attend the marathon event. But still beautifull. Ha ha

"Ahh .. oh my god !! I almost forgot. Hongyok .. there .. outside .. she is ... Wait I take a breath first." she said, still with irregular breathing.

"What is wrong??" Mook is starting to look worried.

"Hongyok .. there front of the fence, was accidentally hit someone .. I'm sure he was an artiss !! .. who .. famous singer.. oh what's his name ??"

"Nan ??" I tried to guess. Really Nan? But he said he did not come.

"Well .. right P'Nan! Looks like sprained! Oh what shall I do Mook!"

"Haaahhh ??" Me and Mook saying that word together. I immediately ran to the fence. Oh my god Nann .. instead got a high school girl, you've got a disaster. Hahahahha ..

(Before the incident)

Hongyok POV

"It's your fault! You dress up too long, we are so late to the party!" I scolded Nanjira

"Oh my god ..! You know ..? This is your fault, we are so late. I told you earlier .. the blue one is good!" Naen scolded me back.

"But I feel the color does not match with my clothes!" I said

"Then why you still wear it ?? Haa ?? Why do you wear ??"

"No! I'm wearing that .." I looked down to make sure the shoes that I used. I do not focus driving anymore. And that's when Naen shouting. "Beware !!!" ** Bruukk !! **

I stopped the car. I do not see what just happened.

"Aaaa..Naen..Naen !! Looks like I hit the cat!" I shout. Naen immediately got out of the car.

"Cat!! What did you say?! Come down!" said Naen.

"Arrgghhh ... arrgghhh" a man who wearing a helmet is now sitting on the asphalt. The man groaned in pain clutching his ankle. Naen open his helmet. And then...

" !! He is.. ...! Wait here Hong. I will ask for help!" Naen ran into the Mook's house. I just stand and looking at her. Cold sweat started pouring from my forehead. What should I do now. Shit! He will immediately report me to the police. How about this...

"Oh i'm sorry P ', so hurt? I did not realize there was a motorcycle in front of me."

I asked with a worried feeling that began to meet my head. But he can't say anything. He moaned in pain as he continued down clutching his leg."Ouch keep calm. It's hurt??"

(Nan POV)

AHHH !! Damn! Why do I always hit by bad luck. I can only groan in pain. Not a single word that comes out of my mouth. The streets are very quiet, no passing vehicles. I saw across the street, my dear motors already lying on the asphalt. I glanced sharply toward the girl who hit me earlier. She was pale with sweat running down his face. She must have been very frightened. AH .. but I do not care. However she should be held responsible!

"Do not say to much! Take me to the hospital or I'll report you to the police! "I spoke with snaps. she looked surprised.

"What ? But I accidentally ... ahh ... nggg .. I will be responsible ,but do not report me to the police .. pleaseee !!" she begged me. I want to scold her again, but Hernfah come.

"Heiii bro !! You're good - right? "Hernfah lifted me and helped me up.

"Why are you so long! I lost my left leg! "I snapped Hernfah.

"You wait in my car .. I already called a doctor. It is impossible to take you into the house, there are a lot of people. "Said Hernfah.

"At the same, ask your bodyguard order to take care of my bike .." I said casually.

"Huhh ... you're nuisance! I thought you said you would not come! "Hernfah taking his car keys and led me into the car. Mook and his friends came to me. Fortunately, all the invited guests gathered in the house. So, i don't have to worried about it.

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