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Eleanor didn't go to prom with him.

    Cat did.

    Cat from work. She was thin and dark, and her eyes were as blue and flat as breath mints. When Park held Cat's hand, it was like holding hands with a mannequin, and it was such a relief that he kissed her. He felll asleep on prom night in his tuxedo pants and a Fugazi T-shirt.

He woke up the next morning when something light fell on his shirt--he opened his eyes. His dad was standing over him.

"Mail call," his dad said, almost gently. Park put his hand to his heart.

Eleanor hadn't written him a letter. It was a postcard. GREETING FROM THE LAND OF 10,00 LAKES it said on the front. Park turned it over and recognized her scratchy handwriting. It filled his head with song lyrics.

He sat up. He smiled. Something heavy and winged took off from his chest.

Eleanor hadn't written him a lettter, it was a postcard.

Just three words long.

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