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This morning, she went into the kitchen in search of some food. Yesterday was the last day of school, and today is the first day of summer. Eleanor really didn't care that it was summer. She enjoyed not having school work, but there wasn't much she liked to do in the summer.

After having a bowl of cereal, Eleanor went to her room and picked out some clothes. She grabbed a plaid shirt, that actually fit her, and a decent pair of jeans. She went into the bathroom and tamed her hair, by using some product her aunt bought her and tying in a green ribbon like a headband.

Even though she can get perfume now, Eleanor still uses vanilla instead. She took a drop of vanilla and rubbed it behind her ears.

Eleanor went to her room and grabbed the final issue of Watchmen; her uncle bought it for her, since she wanted it so much. She went to the living room to sit on the couch and read.

Her uncle came into the living room with a small grin on his face.

"What?" She asked, confused.

"Get in the truck," he responded.


"I want to take you somewhere special!"

"Okay. . ."

She walked out the door, hopped into the passenger seat of the truck and closed the door. Her uncle followed her out and slid into the drivers seat. Looking over at Eleanor, he smiled, again. "What?" She asked, again.

He didn't reply reply, he just sat there for a second.

He stuck the keys in the ignition and started up the truck. Using his right hand to reach over he fastened his seatbelt and looked to Eleanor, to make sure she was buckled as well.


Josh was sitting on the couch playing Nintendo. Park sat on his bed listening to his walkman. He lay there occasionally pushing on either side of him, with his hands, to send waves through the bed. It made for a relaxing time his room was his favorite place.

He didn't have any plans for the day, so he decided to just spend all day by himself.


After a lot of driving, Eleanor was sitting anxiously in her seat. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he said.

She was too confused and anxious to sleep, so she just stared blankly out the window trying to figure out where they were going. She knew they weren't in Minnesota anymore. Where is he taking me?

They had passed many road signs by now, and she figured out she was in Iowa. About an hour and a half ago, she was in Des Moines, now she was passing through a little town called Manson, Iowa. I was very small compared to Des Moines, and it had way more cornfields.

Eleanor began to drift off and eventually fell asleep.

About three hours later, she was woke up, by her uncle, and recognized the area. He told her to go by herself and he'd wait in the truck.

Eleanor was in too much shock to comprehend exactly what was going on. Without the slightest reaction to the situation, Eleanor stepped out of the truck and walked up the driveway, to the front door. She took a deep breath, then reached out and knocked on the door.

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